'healing station argh', by toft

Mar 25, 2009 17:14

last week, during the otw donation drive, i offered podfic incentives to anyone donating before the end of the drive - this is the second of those. (and i'm making three different podfic offers in exchange for a donation to con-or-bust - podfic offers are here.)

in any case: this was recorded for were-duck. enjoy!

healing station argh by toft-froggy
story text
audiofic archive entry coming soon
mp3 (72 MB)
m4b podbook (63.6 MB)
cover art by me! see it here (image used under cc licence, here)

author's summary: A story about the benefits of cultural exchange, contraception, the downsides to television stardom, and what counts as pre-watershed in the Pegasus galaxy.

cross-posted to amplificathon
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