SKIN BY wildcat88 [LFWS #1 ROUND 11]

Mar 10, 2009 20:24

Title: Skin
Author: wildcat88
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write a fic emphasizing the friendship and support the team has for each other. Use from two to all characters of the list.

Skin )

lfws1, lfws1: round11 entry, lfws1: round11, lfws, rated pg, teyla whump, author:wildcat88

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Comments 32

skeddy_kat March 11 2009, 19:53:44 UTC
You did such a wonderful job of capturing everything that makes them team. It actually brought tears to my eyes.


wildcat88 March 14 2009, 20:49:03 UTC
*hands tissue* Thank you.


astridv March 11 2009, 21:53:29 UTC
Such a great illustration of what team is about. Love it.


wildcat88 March 14 2009, 20:49:22 UTC
Thank you so much!


skin anonymous March 11 2009, 21:57:23 UTC
That was so sweet!! A perfect team fic. Though, I would hate to see John's beautiful spiky hair get cut off for any reason. ; )


Re: skin wildcat88 March 14 2009, 20:50:26 UTC
I'm delighted you liked it. I wrestled long and hard over John's hair, but I decided it was something he'd do.


(The comment has been removed)

wildcat88 March 14 2009, 20:51:56 UTC
Thank you!


cjandre March 12 2009, 22:35:28 UTC
That is a great team fic. I think you captured John and Ronon especially well.


wildcat88 March 14 2009, 20:53:05 UTC
Thanks! John and Ronon are such men of action that I think the frustration they'd feel at not being able to do anything would have to be released somehow.


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