The Return to NormalcyAuthor
seikaitsukimizuChallengeFork in the Road - Atlantis is not attacked; they stay on Earth in The Return I/IISummary"The three month anniversary of the exile--as John thinks of it--falls on a three-day weekend."PairingSheppard/McKayRatingRWord Count61900 wordsNotesMajor kudos to my four betas and two research assistants! I owe you so much, especially for responding under the wire like that! Any remaining mistakes are my own.
Spoiler warning for Seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1.
Final NotesThis story came about after, well, The Return, obviously. There was a slew of Return fic and I got to wondering "what if McKay somehow ended up on SG-1 while they were back?" It took a few drafts before this evolved, and, well...ta da! There's more to the story, obviously. The future, missing scenes, and of course Rodney's POV. So I'll probably be visiting this world again.
To my betas, I read all of your edits and compiled them together along with my research assistants' notes. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you've done. You've been utterly wonderful! Next time, I'll try not to cut it so close.
To everyone, I hope you've enjoyed the story!