preview: the magical number seven (plus or minus two)

Oct 30, 2009 07:40

title: The Magical Number Seven (Plus or Minus Two)
author: general_jinjur
category: gen
words: 61,155

preview-wise, a bit of a grab bag:

reviews and the like.

Jinjur claims not to be a Sheppard fangirl, but after reading this, I'm not sure I believe her. The worst-case scenario at the heart of this story could have happened so easily, it's terrifying. Jinjur takes that point of divergence and works out its long-term implications with poignant and ruthless thoroughness that makes me want to give all Atlantis a hug. - juniperphoenix, beta.

"From this I knew that I was a substance whose whole essence or nature is simply to think, and which does not require any place, or depend on any material thing, in order to exist. Accordingly, this 'I' - that is, the soul by which I am what I am - is entirely distinct from the body, and indeed is easier to know than the body, and would not fail to be whatever it is, even if the body not exist." - Descartes, René. Discourse on Method. Vol. XXXIV, Part 1. New York: P.F. Collier & Son, 1909-14.

Magical Number is a gritty, visceral departure from canon. Two versions of the Team entangle and struggle to figure out what is true and real as they face unstable issues of memory, identity, and what is 'real'. general_jinjur's prose is has a punchy physicality as it explores metaphysical questions about personality through a tightly paced and complex plot and spot-on characterizations. The story is dark, funny, gripping, and it gives great McKay and great Sheppard. The accompanying mix is phenomenal. What more could you ask? - were_duck, beta.

"I absolutely love the Rodney-voice here. It's complete with tangents and run-ons and ignoring of things like social niceties which get in the way of science!" - fish_echo, beta.

Okay, here's the thing you guys: as a beta, I realize I may appear a bit biased, but I can honestly say that this fic is awesome. I can't even tell you how many times I had to stop in the middle of reading it to email Jinjur and say things like, "OMG THIS IS AWESOME," and, "NO SERIOUSLY, SO AWESOME," and, "DUDE, YOU SHOULD SEE MY FACE RIGHT NOW."

And if that isn't endorsement enough for you, then you should know this: I love the team; it's my favourite part about the Stargates, that unique team dynamic. This fic does it so well, and in so many different ways, that I think there's a team here for everyone. So you should read it! :) - aphelant, beta.

"A person therefore lives through two collateral histories, one consisting of what happens in and to his body, the other consisting of what happens in and to his mind. To say, then, that a certain motive is a trait in someone's character is to say that he is inclined to do certain sorts of things, make certain sorts of plans. Potentialities (...) are nothing actual." - Ryle, Gilbert. The Concept of Mind. University of Chicago Press, 1949.

"A very intriguing and original read that kept me at the edge of my swivel chair! In other words: awesome-sauce." - choc_bunnyhead, audiencer.

There's a lot to enjoy in “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two”. It's a fast-paced adventure with a masterful, complex plot. But what I like best about it is that the adventure and construction are in service of some serious thinking about the characters. This is at its heart a team fic with a lot to say about identity and the ways in which choice and chance conspire and conflict in life. It's about the intricate yet precarious nature of memory. About the ways in which loyalties can shift and evolve in unexpected ways. About how one person's sense of belonging and certainty of home can contrast heavily with another's person's inability to be safe or at home in similar circumstances. All that and you get some kick ass space battles to boot.

I enjoyed talking with general_jinjur about her ideas for this piece as it developed, and it's just plain cool to see it finished and ready to be shared. She has a great ear for dialogue and a knack for dropping a reader into a story and making them want to stay there 'til the telling's done. Do yourself a favor & read this. - raz0rgirl, audiencer.

"It is possible, then, that we have a deep-seated, existential dread that there is less to our separate identities than we believe. And it is possible that our beliefs about the essential role of causality in our identities is an important way in which we shield ourselves from this dread." - Kolak, Daniel, and Raymond Martin. Personal Identity and Causality: Becoming Unglued. American Philosophical Quarterly, October 1987. 24:4, pp. 339-47.


magical number is told in parallel storylines, so: parallel soundtracks.

these started as drastically cut-down versions of what i listened to while writing the story, but with most of the multiple songs from a single artist (i'm looking at *you*, of montreal) and the industrial, ambient, and industrial ambient stuff removed (because it's all forty fricking minutes long, that's why). then i smooshed at them until they both followed the narrative and gelled, mix-tape-wise. (that said, i leaned heavily on several parts of vuzh's fine failures album, if experimental ambient techno is more your bag.)

download the zipped soundtrack(s) here
the soundtrack cover uses this cc-licensed image.

in conclusion, i would be very flattered if you read my story, and i hope you enjoy it. thanks! <3

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