Fic: Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Dec 20, 2006 19:37

Title: Tidings of Comfort and Joy
Author: tiranog
Pairing: McShep
Rating: NC 17.
Warnings: Adult sexual content.
Spoilers: Through Return 1. I assumed they got Atlantis back, so I wrote it that way. Any resemblance to later episodes is purely coincidental.
Written for: Tarlanx in the 2006 SGA Secret Santa. Tarlanx requested: "Things I'd like: Anything McKay centric! My personal preference is for slash (NC17 is great but I don't mind 'waves crashing against the shore' fics either) and my fav pairing is McKay/Sheppard but I'd be just as happy with McKay/O'Neill, McKay/Zelenka, McKay/Beckett, McKay/Ronon, McKay/Jackson, McKay/Mitchell... basically McKay/*anyone else male* except Kolya :-=D. I love angst, hurt/comfort, non-con, humor BUT it must end HAPPY! This is Christmas after all :-) Crossovers with SG1 are great but otherwise I'd prefer to stick with stories in the SGA universe."
Hope you like it, Tarlanx!
Author's Notes: As ever, my deepest thanks to my incredible beta, silver_cyanne. Your story instincts are so good, they're scary, honey. And many thanks to teyawulf for inspiration. Happy holidays, folks.

Tidings of Comfort and Joy [Offsite link due to length]

pairing: mckay/sheppard, genre: slash

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