Fic: Unexpected Consequences (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17)

Dec 17, 2010 14:31

Title: Unexpected Consequences
Author: goddess47
Recipient: omg_wtf_yeah
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: Oh so very NC-17
Word count: 27,500
Disclaimer: Wish they were mine... sigh
Author's Notes: The request included "John!hookerfic that's more Pretty Woman than My Own Private Idaho. But the ending always has to be happy." That caught my imagination and hope I did it justice.

Thanks to fenchurch1 and mezzo_cammin for their help and feedback. Any mistakes are mine alone.

The Mondrian is a real hotel but amenties and services are pure invention; while I've briefly been to LA most of what I know is Google-fu. Some dialogue taken from Gateworld transcript for The Rising - Part 1

Summary: Leave a message at the tone. "Fuck you, Larry, get a secretary," Rodney sighed tiredly into the phone. "I hope you get this, I'm coming to LA tomorrow - Thursday - so I'll be in your office Thursday afternoon. See you then."

( Unexpected Consequences )

pairing: mckay/sheppard, genre: slash

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