Fic: Home (Beckett/Zelenka, G)

Dec 22, 2009 23:34

Title: Home
Author: juri_anne
Recipient: lapislaz
Pairing: Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Totally not mine in any way shape or form.
Author's Notes: for lapislaz who wanted Carson/Radek. I tried to do crack, but it just came off stupid. I tried to be funny, but again, it was more stupid than anything. So I ended up with fluff and a little bit of comfort. I hope you like!
Story Length: 1,174


“You’re wearing Star Wars pajamas.”

Radek signed and placed his book open in his lap. “Yes, I am a grown man whose sleepwear is adorned with characters from the sci-fi movie Star Wars. Does this really surprise you?” He really didn’t want to have to defend himself to his lover, but sarcasm was warranted. Besides his head hurt and this was a stupid conversation.

Carson continued to look at him in silence for a few more minutes, shrugged, and continued with his previous task of changing clothes. “Touchy,” Carson scolded. “I guess it shouldn’t. I was just a little surprised since I’ve never seen them before.”

“No, you wouldn’t have. I’m usually wearing my work clothes or none at all.” Radek tried to give Carson a coy smile, but he could tell it came off as more like a wince. Unsurprisingly, Carson noticed as well.

“Are you okay?”

Radek turned his eyes away and picked up his book. “I’m perfectly fine.” He pretended to read, even though he could feel the concern practically shooting out of Carson’s eyes.

A few moments later, Radek felt a dip on the other side of the bed. When he looked up, Carson was wearing his casual clothes, a worried look focused on Radek. “You’re flushed.”

Instead of putting his book down on his lap, he placed the sheet of paper he used a bookmark in between the pages, and closed it. “That’s because I’ve got a slight fever - and a headache you’re not helping.”

Carson’s eyes furrowed. “You could have come to see me.”

“Its just a cold. Nothing for you to concern yourself with. I’ll just relax, and I should be fine by tomorrow.”

“I really wish you had come to see me.”

“Well, I’m seeing you now. My bones are not broken. I haven’t been shot, electrocuted, or knocked unconscious. It’s a cold. I really don’t need the mother hen routine right now.”

Carson pierced his lips together. Radek could sense that Carson wanted to say more, but was thankful that he held himself back. “Now that you’ve decided to let my health be for now, tell me about your day.” Radek rested his head on his pillow and closed his eyes to allow Carson’s soft and gentle voice wash over him. It wasn’t long before he drifted off.


What seemed a few minutes later, Radek pulled his heavy eyelids apart slowly to see what all the yelling was about. His vision was blurry and his head still throbbed with pain, but he could see the outline of two people in his quarters.

“Not….Rod-…you…go away…can’t…sick…-ell…please…”

With each pulse of his heartbeat, he could feel a loud rushing sensation of what sounded like water in his ear. It made it impossible to hear the whole conversation, but somewhere in his brain, he could understand what was going on. And he knew how grateful he was that Carson was so concerned for him. Rodney should have known better to bother him in this state, considering it was him who threw the tantrum and kicked him out of the labs.

“I need him to review these calculations, Carson! We’ve only got a limited amount of power in the city, and this will help us conserve it until we can establish communications back to Earth!”

Radek turned his head just a few centimeters and saw who he assumed was Carson standing with his back to him. Even though he couldn’t see it, Radek was pretty sure that Carson had his arms tightly folded across his chest.

Unable to hold his head in that position for longer, he relaxed, closed his eyes once more and went back to sleep.


His mouth was dry. It felt like he swallowed a tall glass of cotton balls followed by a washcloth sandwich. Here he was in a floating city surrounded by water, and he felt like he was dying of dehydration. It wasn’t really irony, considering the large amount of salt water outside of the city was undrinkable until properly processed, but he didn’t care. It was a little funny in his groggy mind.

A light snore caught his attention and he turned his head slightly to the right. Silhouetted against the light from the windows was Carson asleep in a chair in what looked like a very, very uncomfortable position. His legs were propped up on the edge of the bed, and his head was flopped back like a ragdoll. Radek hopped he hadn’t been asleep like that for long.

A few hours had passed while he was sleeping, and Radek was starting to feel the effects on his aching body. He moved a little, testing how weak he was by turning onto his right side to see Carson a little better. It was the movement that started Carson awake, causing him to jump spastically from the chair.

“You okay?” Radek asked. His voice was rough. Noting this, Carson reached over to the table and picked up a glass of water and brought it down to Radek.

“I should be asking you that, but I’m thinking you’re feeling a little better then?” Radek sat up to drink, and only paused to nod his head in response to Carson’s question.

“Rodney brought some soup for you a few minutes ago. If you think you’re well enough, you should really put something in your stomach.”

“Was that the reason he came by earlier?” Radek held out his empty glass to Carson and shook it. “I thought he wanted me for something.”

Carson poured more water into the cup. “No, that was a few hours ago, actually. He brought this as an apology.”

“Hours?” He took another sip. “How long was I out?”

“About 18 hours. Not bad, and I think you’ve already had the worst of it.”

Radek sat silently for a moment. “Have you been here the entire time?”

Carson smiled. “Someone has to.”

Radek of course felt guilty for having taken away Carson’s day off, but he knew that Carson would have been worse off if he had been told to go away.

“What kind of soup did Rodney bring?” Radek motioned his head in the direction of the thermos sitting on the table.

“I think its akin to chicken and noodle, but I’m not even sure I want to know what was used to make it.” Carson grabbed the canister and a handful of crackers and sat down in the bed next to Radek.

They sat in silence for a few minutes while Carson watched and made sure that he was doing okay eating the soup. He wasn’t sure if it was the soup that was making him feel this way or if it was the overwhelming love he felt for the man at his side, but he felt warm and content sitting here in the quiet room. They were in a strange galaxy away from their planet, but even if they were to remain lost to their old world, he was happy knowing his home was here with Carson.

pairing: beckett/zelenka, genre: slash

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