Round 6 - Challenge 6

Aug 14, 2008 20:19

Here's the next challenge: Team

- You may only participate if your name shows up here or see below.
- You may submit one icon only.
- You're allowed to use textures, stockpics and brushes. But NO big textbrushes! (Tinytextbrushes are allowed). And NO pre-made bases.
- Icons must follow lj standards, 100x100 & 40 kb.
- No animations
- Do not post your icon anywhere else until the challenge is over.
- Post your icon and it's url as a comment to this post.
- Comments will be screened.
- Use this image only. Blending is NOT allowed!

Click on the picture for full size.

Deadline: Thursday, august 21st, 11:00 pm (your own time)

Have fun and good luck!

Have them in:

beeej glassnowdrop* jhava* lenyia robyriker unamaga*

Need them in:

arlet33* darsynia* ender839

* = no skips left

challenge, round 6, challenge 6

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