Feb 15, 2010 09:34


Comment to this post to sign up for the Last Fic Writer Standing Challenge 4. Rules to participate can be found in our profile and additional rules will be posted shortly. Please read them carefully before signing up to the challenge.

Remember that by signing up you are receiving one skip automatically. Gain more by pimping the comm. The new pimp banner will be found in the additional rules post.

If you are an artist you can sign up to make the winners banners. Put a link to your work so we can consider you (if you have participated of the previous LFWS, you don't have to do this). On each round a different artist will be selected to make the banners. You can use skips as well, in the same way a writer does, but you’ll have to warn us beforehand so we can call another artist.

Sign up closes on February 28th.

Copy and paste this form in your reply:

Name: my name here
LJ screen name: my_username_here
Artist or writer?
Link your art: (artists only, writers can erase this line)

Any prompt suggestions? Suggestions come here

A sign up example:

Name: Erika
LJ screen name: x-erikah-x
Artist or writer? writer
E-mail: myemail [@] somewhere [.] com

Any prompt suggestions? A challenge involving deserted islands and coconuts...

Comments are screened.

NOTE: The Bonus Round will go on until the sign up period ends.

EDIT TO ADD: If we reach 20 sign ups before the deadline, the sign ups will be automatically closed.

sign ups, lfws4

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