May 22, 2009 13:34

Title: Pomp and Circumstance
Author: wildcat88
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: Enemy at the Gate
Prompt for the Round: The story must be related to the prompt word 'surprise'. It must have at least one member of the team and any others that you like.


“Any idea what this is about?” McKay called.

John frowned at his reflection as he knotted his tie. “Official sendoff. O’Neill gave orders for everyone to be in dress uniform.” He stepped out of the bathroom and blinked in surprise. “Why are you guys dressed up?”

McKay jerked away from the wall he’d been slouching against, suddenly fascinated with his shiny shoes. “Um…”

Ronon’s black suit stretched tight as he shrugged. “Teyla made me.”

“Colonel Carter said it would be appropriate for the ceremony,” Teyla retorted, smoothing nonexistent wrinkles from her long jade coat.

“You know, you guys don’t have to come.” John slid on his jacket and buttoned it. “It’s a bunch of pomp and circumstance so the IOA can pretend like they had a choice in us going back to Pegasus. It’ll be boring as hell.”

A look that John couldn’t decipher flashed between his teammates so quickly he decided he’d imagined it.

“I’m the Head of Sciences,” McKay stated. “I have to be there.”

“Atlantis’ return to Pegasus is very important to us,” Teyla added.

Ronon nodded. “Yeah, plus Woolsey said there’d be cake.”

Laughing, John tucked his hat under his arm and headed out. “At least it won’t be a total loss.”

They headed to the nearest transporter, and John sighed heavily as they stepped out on the east pier. Framed by the Golden Gate Bridge in the background, at least two dozen dignitaries mingled on a platform constructed on the landing pad. Flags and banners fluttered in the breeze while a military band played to one side.

John fought the urge to run his finger under his collar as he moved through the crowd and onto the stage. He greeted generals, colonels, and IOA representatives without rolling his eyes (much) then took a seat between Rodney and Ronon, and let his mind wander as the speeches droned on and on.

“Sheppard,” McKay hissed, “pay attention.”

John straightened quickly. “What’d I miss?”

“Nothing.” Rodney grinned like a kid at Christmas when O’Neill stepped to the microphone. “Yet.”

“I’m not one for speeches so I’ll get right to it,” O’Neill said. “It is my honor to announce that Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard has been promoted to Colonel.”

Shock washed over John as Ronon pounded his back and shoved him forward. O’Neill removed his oak leaves and pinned on eagles while Carter read the presidential pronouncement.

His team beamed proudly as O’Neill gave a sly wink and saluted.

“Congratulations, Colonel Sheppard.”

Don’t forget to leave ONLY FEEDBACK in the comments and NOT VOTES. All comments will be screened until the voting closes.

character: other, character: teyla emmagan, character: ronon dex, genre: team, lfws2: round3, genre: friendship, character: rodney mckay, rating: g, character: john sheppard, author: wildcatt88

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