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Comments 34

schneefink June 23 2011, 20:42:13 UTC
Characters thinking they're going crazy is always scary, and this was no exception. I liked that they still managed to find their way back to each other again. Team ♥ Good character voices and well-balanced team-ness. I enjoyed this.


coolbreeze1 July 15 2011, 19:06:59 UTC
Thank you! The first version of this had much less of a sense of the team pulling together and didn't work out at all (which led to much panicking on my part). Glad the team-ness comes through now!


cheetahliv June 24 2011, 06:39:49 UTC
Loved the team dynamic, and how each character was tormented by a different fear. Rodney's fear that he was wrong and would kill his friends really hit hard (possibly because I'm just a little in love with him, and love seeing fallout from Doranda ^_^) and John's determination to find and help his team no matter what was just perfect. This was a great mix of scary-losing-their-minds and touching-team-dynamics. Well done!


coolbreeze1 July 15 2011, 19:09:19 UTC
Thank you!! It was a little scary sending each character off into a losing-their-minds kind of story and yet still try to keep who they were individually and as a team. I loved the episode with Doranda and how that had to have affected Rodney, so bringing out some of those fears here was a fun exploration. Glad you enjoyed this!


danceswithgary June 24 2011, 14:56:31 UTC
Great team fic with the emphasis on how important they were to each other. The art fit in wonderfully! :-)


coolbreeze1 July 15 2011, 19:10:01 UTC
Thank you! And I am so thrilled with the artwork. Tridget really outdid herself on this one!


kriadydragon June 24 2011, 20:00:41 UTC
Wonderfully creepy and intense. Loved how even though they were scared they still concerned about each other.


coolbreeze1 July 15 2011, 19:11:28 UTC
Thanks! I had a hard time getting this story to work, and glad the sense of being a team came through even when they were freaking out.


sgafan June 25 2011, 05:29:08 UTC
That was a great character exploration, manifested in their fears. Well done!


coolbreeze1 July 15 2011, 19:14:35 UTC
Thank you! I've had an idea like this in my head for a while, but actually sitting down and writing each character as slowly becoming more and more OOC was terrifying. Finding that balance between being out of character enough that the plot makes sense but not going so far that they aren't their recognizable canon selves was really challenging. The first version of this didn't work at all the way I'd been hoping, then I rewrote the second half of the story and this one comes much, much closer to what I was hoping for. It's all a learning exercise, right? :D Thanks for reading!


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