Title: Running
titan5Genre: Friendship
Prompt: The best-laid plans
Word Count: around 18,000
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Ronon and John are on the run from the Wraith.
Notes: Set early in season four. Many thanks to sharpes hussy for her beta work. I did some tinkering after her suggestions, so all mistakes are mine.
Running )
Comments 13
I love the idea of John and Ronon being on the run from the Wraith. I love how Ronon's experiences as a Runner made it possible for them to surive. Love the John (hypothermia, yes!) and Ronon whump! Love that Ronon tries to talk about Ford with John and that John tries to talk about the time of being a Runner with Ronon.
But, I _adore_ the John and Ronon banter. Ronon teasing John, John hyped up on the enzyme begging for Ronons gun: That is so awesome! Your voices were spot on! For me, that were the best parts of the fic!
Thank you so much for this fic!
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