2009 SGA Genficathon Signups

Feb 01, 2009 20:51

**SIGNUPS ARE CLOSED!** Assignments will go out in the next couple of days.

The signup period will be from now (Sunday, Feb. 1) until Sunday, Feb. 8 at Midnight Alaska Time (GMT -9 hours). Assignments will be handed out over the next couple of days.

Please read the Rules (in the userinfo) before you sign up.

You do not need to join the community, and you do not even need a Livejournal account in order to sign up. Stories will be posted anonymously by the mods (authors to be revealed at end of ficathon). This way everyone can play, including people who aren't on Livejournal. So please spread the word!

Please sign up by copying the following template and pasting it in a comment to this post (with your information filled in, of course).
All comments are screened!

Author name: [your author name, which may be different from your LJ name]
Genre (1st choice): [see below for list of genres - please choose ONE]
Genre (2nd choice or choices): [because I may not be able to give everyone their first choice - you can list more than one here, or none at all]
Your email: [this will be used ONLY to send you your assignment and a reminder when the deadline approaches, plus a pinch-hit request if we need you for that]

Choose from the following genres (as described in the Rules):
-Supporting Character Appreciation Day

You will be writing in your genre using a randomly assigned prompt. There were some requests to be able to return or exchange prompts, so here's the rule: if you think you absolutely cannot write a prompt, let me know within a week of receiving your prompt and I'll give you a new one ... ONCE, and once only. Keep in mind the one you get might be even worse than the one you gave back! And I've written some of my best stories for prompts that initially made me think "OMG, I can't write this!" ... so please do at least try to utilize the prompt you're given. However, the option exists if you really do need it.

Stories are due April 20, 2009. You can request an extension, but we do need to hear from you by that date with either a story or an extension request, or your prompt will be reassigned to a pinch hitter. (I'll be sending out a reminder email, also.)

Please post a comment if you'd like to be a pinch hitter only (i.e. fill in for someone who has to drop out). Last year, because the pinch hits were handed out very late (after story posting began) I ended up offering them only to people who had already proven they could meet deadlines. This year, pinch hits will be available earlier; they will be first offered to those who aren't already writing a story to the ficathon, then (if no takers) posted in the community for anyone to grab. Signing up as a pinch hitter does not obligate you to write a story; it just puts you on the "first responder" list.

We will also be doing "prompt amnesty" at the end of the ficathon like we did last year -- after all stories are posted, anyone can write a story with any of the prompts and post it.

If you have any questions, post a comment (I'll probably respond via PM), or PM me (friendshipper) or email me at layla (at) ravenschildren dot com. Once again, all comments are screened!

And don't forget that we're still looking for prompts. You can offer as many prompts as you like (within reason ... remember, I have to collect and randomize them all!), and you can comment more than once if you think of more prompts.


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