Guess the Authors - Week 2

Apr 13, 2008 22:29

I don't think I'll have one of these next week -- I'll do the author reveal on Sunday night/Monday morning. Edited - several people have requested another guess-the-author post next week (especially since many people haven't had a chance to read most of the stories yet!) and that's totally fair, so I'll go ahead and have one, and do the author ( Read more... )

guess the authors

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Comments 15

argosy April 14 2008, 07:32:10 UTC
"Figurative Hell and Literal High Water" by friendshipper :D

That's all I got, I think.


argosy April 15 2008, 23:58:17 UTC
Or possibly Tipper, but I've gotten it narrowed down to two. :D


leesa_perrie April 14 2008, 13:03:41 UTC
'The Secret Society of Stories' - greyias (Grey Lupous).

I mean, it's the sort of thing that I expect to come out of her mind (make of that what you will *bg*!) and it's got OTTERS in it!!!

Otters = Grey in my book!!


wildcat88 April 14 2008, 14:03:17 UTC
Purely guessing here....

"If You Wrong Us, Shall We Not Revenge?" rhymer23

"Figurative Hell and Literal High Water" xparrot


anonymous April 14 2008, 18:04:05 UTC
Figurative Hell I'm guessing Tipper.



naye April 14 2008, 18:33:19 UTC
Aww, I was hoping for a guessing-post next week! Would've given me a chance to catch up a little, especially if it was open for guessing all the stories. But I'm really looking forward to the great author reveal, too! ♥


sholio April 14 2008, 18:40:04 UTC
Several other people have asked for one, too. Apparently they're much more popular than I'd realized! I think I'll edit the above post...


naye April 14 2008, 18:41:12 UTC
Wheee, author guessing! I suck at it, but it's still lots of fun to read. Thank you! ^_^


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