Guess the Authors - Week 1

Apr 06, 2008 09:53

As promised ... here's your opportunity to hazard your guesses for who wrote the stories in the first week's worth of ficathon submissions -- and gain gloating rights when the authors are revealed! *g ( Read more... )

guess the authors

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Comments 30

leesa_perrie April 6 2008, 18:21:18 UTC
*tentative* 'The Great Pegasus Train Robbery' - friendshipper? Or maybe liketheriver? 'No Matter What' - perhaps by kriadydragon?

Ah, no idea! I'm never very good at this sort of thing!!

EDIT: Argh!! I saw the comment posted on behalf of kristen999 and realised I meant 'Getting to Know John' for kriadydragon!! My brain, what happened to my brain?! Though 'No Matter What' could have been by her *confused*! Told you I'm not good at this!


sholio April 6 2008, 18:22:42 UTC
kristen999 emailed me her guesses earlier this week, since she's out of town; I told her I'd post them when the guessing thread went live. So these are from kristen999:

Getting to Know John-- kriadydragon

Even Bonnie and Clyde Had Off Days-- friendshipper

Exposure-- mahoni


kristen999 April 10 2008, 01:31:19 UTC
Now I'm adding my guess of "Bibula Harena" by rhymer23. Just read it :D


xparrot April 6 2008, 19:31:13 UTC
(it occurs to me that having participating authors guess does rule us out of any stories we guess ^^;;;)

"The Great Pegasus Train Robbery" is friendshipper's, or I'll eat my dusty Western hat!

And two wild guesses that I'm probably going to make an utter fool of myself making:

"Bibula Harena" - Eildon Rhymer?

"Light Up, Light Up" - Cybersyd??? (well, it had a bit of Radek!whump, sooo~...)


leesa_perrie April 6 2008, 20:06:39 UTC
(it occurs to me that having participating authors guess does rule us out of any stories we guess ^^;;;)

Unless some of us misguess our own stories on there's an idea! *evil grin*


greyias April 21 2008, 20:13:09 UTC
Now Leesa, who on Earth would do something so evil, so wicked... *innocent*

(And I so wanted to say that like three weeks ago, but ohhh, I resisted)


sholio April 21 2008, 22:04:39 UTC
You definitely win the prize for "sneakiest person in the ficathon". Er, assuming that such a prize actually existed, of course. *g*


dr_dredd April 6 2008, 19:53:16 UTC
"The Law is an Ass" -- Greywolf Lupous? She wrote another, er, gluteus maximus story not too long ago.


trystings April 6 2008, 20:39:33 UTC
I'm (wiiiiildy) guessing "Into the Woods" - Greywolf Lupous? "Getting to know John" - hmmmm, Wildcat888? "No Matter What" - Stealth Dragon? "Pegasus Train Robbery - Friendshipper?


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