Title: The Secret Room Author: chelle Rating: NC 17 Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Summary: McKay always wanted a clubhouse. Notes: Thank you to thegrrrl2002 for the quicky beta.
i needed a break...and here you were :-) with a most wonderful story of secret rooms, hairy backs, and club houses...i love how rodney goes along with sheppard--is it that flirting thing??? :-) and how john wants to keep the porn hidden...just for the two of them!
This story ambushed me this afternoon. I was trying to work on something else and suddenly John decided he wanted to explore art exhibits. /g/
BTW, I'll answer your email tomorrow. I didn't even realize until after you replied that I was describing the lesbian continuum. I'd completely forgotten that term. /head desk/
So hot and porny, yum. I love how little boy-ish they seem in this, in certain places, then solemn and serious in others. Like there's more to the clubhouse than just playing. Very nice!
Btw, tiny typo here: difficult to undue someone else's belt.
Comments 75
Yummy stuff this. Smutty McShep art in clubhouses. Love it.
i love rodney's thoughts about the way the light would move through the room. wonderful how their conversation progresses regarding imperfections.
and *guh*, quite so. :)
thank you!!!
This story ambushed me this afternoon. I was trying to work on something else and suddenly John decided he wanted to explore art exhibits. /g/
BTW, I'll answer your email tomorrow. I didn't even realize until after you replied that I was describing the lesbian continuum. I'd completely forgotten that term. /head desk/
almost there...almost there..need more fic to keep me going...reread now :D
Btw, tiny typo here: difficult to undue someone else's belt.
I'm so pleased you enjoyed the story. Thank you.
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