Title: Mutual of Atlantis' Wild Kingdom
Author: Brindel
Rating: G
Category: gen
Spoilers: None
Summary: John watches all his geeks.
Notes: Written lickity-spilt for the sga_flashfic ‘voyeurism’ challenge 'cause I double-dog dared myself to. Unbetaed due to cowardice.
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Comments 49
violently gesturing with one hand as if to be very stern with himself or he'd try to argue himself out of whatever it was he was arguing with himself about.
My fav bit. :-)
And I agree with akire_yta above. You should definitely write about further adventures of Geek Hunter and his observations of the feral geek.
(Watches in mute horror as her newly inflated ego clog-dances merrily over her abiding sense of incompetence - Write a second story? That keeps going with this one? Sure! No problem! It's not like I agonized over the decision to write the first one for about a MONTH...)
That little fit of inspiration/despiration/whimsy/why-the-heck-notness may not never, ever, EVER happen again.
But I can hope. *G*
I love that John (being the non-dumb math guy that he is) could recognize what the equation was.
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