Rodney in Wonderland, by rhymer23 (crossing challenge)

Feb 15, 2009 22:56

Title: Rodney in Wonderland
Authors: Eildon Rhymer (rhymer23) and Lewis Carroll (not on LJ)
Rating: PG for violence towards cards, mock turtles and English literature
Spoilers: For Alice in Wonderland and season five (references to The Queen and Infection)
Summary: Rodney falls down a rabbit-hole.

Rodney was beginning to get very tired of sitting by his sister on the bank and having nothing to do )

author: rhymer23, challenge: crossing

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Comments 32

linziday February 15 2009, 23:18:05 UTC
Not that Rodney ever required time to panic; it was something he could do in a mere moment, with no preparation time at all.

*dies laughing*


rhymer23 February 16 2009, 18:31:35 UTC
Yeah, only Rodney could actually take pride in how quickly he can panic. ;-)


teenygozer February 15 2009, 23:29:10 UTC
Hee! Years ago, I adapted Blake's 7 to Alice in Wonderland, with the very crabby Kerr Avon as Alice, and I have to say, Rodney makes a lovely and credible Alice. Well done all around!


rhymer23 February 16 2009, 18:32:36 UTC
Thanks! I've only watched a bit of Blake's 7, many years ago (though long after it first aired), but I've got a friend who's a huge Avon fan, so I can picture this well. :-)


scarlet_gryphon February 16 2009, 00:13:32 UTC
Bwahaha! Ronon!dormouse with his knives, John!Cheshire cat with his cat-sized plane and spiky fur, Zelenka!rabbit with his messenger pigeons- there is so much love for this fic! Glee!

I thought this icon would be appropriate. ^^


rhymer23 February 16 2009, 18:33:32 UTC
How apt that icon is!

I'm really not at all sure where Ronon the Dormouse came from, but I couldn't picture anyone else as the White Rabbit. He has Zelenka written all over him, I think.


(The comment has been removed)

rhymer23 February 16 2009, 18:34:39 UTC
Thank you! It was certainly fun to write. I couldn't picture anyone else as the White Rabbit than Zelenka, and the Cheshire Cat seemed very Sheppard to me. Quite which part of my mind Ronon as the Dormouse came from, though, I have no idea. ;-)


donahermurphy February 16 2009, 01:15:09 UTC
A very funny crossover.

Actually, I rather expected an epilogue to the story where Rodney being rescued from the Virtual Reality environment. Then the whole thing could almost be canon.

Again, very good.


rhymer23 February 16 2009, 18:35:38 UTC
I suspect that Rodney maybe was going to be rescued from a Virtual Reality environment, had it not been for the fact that he'd driven his author into gibbering despair, and the end of the story didn't happen. ;-)


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