Title: For Love By: elayna88 Pairings: John/Rodney, Merlin/Arthur Rating: PG Archive: Area 52, Wraithbait, my siteCategory: established relationships, crossover, action
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For Love by Elaynasgafan33February 25 2009, 07:23:29 UTC
Good fic! Somebody needs to haul Arthur back to Atlantis so John and Rodney can be together publicly.
I wish I could watch Merlin. From what I've heard, it sounds like a good show.
bitty beta: cursing the quickness of the Wraith ship's censors... Unless the Wraith were saying naughty words along with sucking the life out of humans, you want the word sensors.
That was lovely though bittersweet - poor Merlin and Arthur, never being able to settle down into "normal" lives. And silly Rodney, thinking John'd replace him with some eyecandy; as if. :-)
Now this is a first - not knowing which pairing's icon to use since I have both in my stash, lol.
This was lovely! I'm so happy to see someone make a crossover fic for SGA and Merlin, and you did it so sweetly and with proper homage to each side of the story. I liked :)
I have that same problem of not knowing which pairing's icon to use! If I knew how to do graphics, I'd try to make an icon with all four of them. I'm very happy you enjoyed! Thank you for letting me know.
Comments 11
I wish I could watch Merlin. From what I've heard, it sounds like a good show.
bitty beta: cursing the quickness of the Wraith ship's censors... Unless the Wraith were saying naughty words along with sucking the life out of humans, you want the word sensors.
This was lovely! I'm so happy to see someone make a crossover fic for SGA and Merlin, and you did it so sweetly and with proper homage to each side of the story. I liked :)
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