Hello, Rodney! by rhymer23 (kidfic challenge)

Oct 05, 2008 17:04

Title: Hello, Rodney!
Author: by Eildon Rhymer (rhymer23)
Rating: PG-13 for the main story, but the optional ending (off-site) has some shocking double entendre
Spoilers: None
Words: 2800, plus pictures, educational activities, and optional alternative ending for the truly incorrigible.
Characters: Rodney, John, some of their little friends, and a baddy ( Read more... )

author: rhymer23, challenge: kidfic

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Comments 67

janne_d October 5 2008, 16:18:50 UTC
Bwahahahahaha! This is fabulous!

It's creeping up on you! It's a moral! Can you pull a scary face and make the moral go away?


*dies from laughing*

That is all.


rhymer23 October 6 2008, 11:30:01 UTC
Thanks! I was very relieved to get your comment - the first one - since I was still in a "OMG! I can't believe I actually pressed "post"!" mentality. Glad you enjoyed it! :-)


trystings October 5 2008, 16:31:35 UTC
Someone has been reading a little bit too much Roald Dahl! *g*

Rodney and John go through the door, and… Oh no! They've died horribly! It's the end of the book!

Only joking!

*ROFL* This was awesome.


rhymer23 October 6 2008, 11:31:26 UTC
*laughs* No, somebody has been doing too many storytelling sessions to 3 year olds. It drives us a little crazy sometimes. ;-)


jadesfire October 5 2008, 16:36:07 UTC
Oh good grief.

Can't breathe. Laughing too hard. Can't breathe...

This is genius on so many levels. Just...*flaps hands* Genius.

*dies laughing*


rhymer23 October 6 2008, 11:32:14 UTC
Oh dear. Sounds painful. Breathing is good. ;-)

Glad you enjoyed it! I always worry so much more about posting my bizarre humour stuff than my serious stuff.


_inbetween_ October 5 2008, 16:36:50 UTC
Ms. Snicket, you briefly revived my long-dead, brief thought of becoming a kindergarten teacher with your shining example.

... I can't seem to find page 99 for some reason.


rhymer23 October 6 2008, 11:33:20 UTC
Really? I did post page 99.* Maybe it got censored on the ground that it was too shocking even for the internet. ;-)

* Okay. No, I didn't. :-)


spacedmonkey October 5 2008, 16:55:24 UTC
I love the emotions card and feel the desperate need to use it in class tomorrow instead of our normal one the Speech Therapy team has dumped us with, just to see if anyone notices!

I also feel there's quite a few of my team that would like a symbol that suggested that no-one truely understood how screwed we were!

So cool.


rhymer23 October 6 2008, 11:35:05 UTC
*laughs* I'd be rather tempted to use it myself, though fortunately we library ladies don't get to do things like this. Although I'm sure I could bring it into a storytelling session somehow... *thinks* ;-)


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