The Comfort of Strangers by rhymer23 (comfort challenge)

Sep 17, 2008 08:26

Title: The Comfort of Strangers
Author: Eildon Rhymer (rhymer23Words: c. 5000 ( Read more... )

author: rhymer23, challenge: comfort

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Comments 47

elderwitty September 17 2008, 08:26:07 UTC
Amazing, as usual.

I wanted them to take Edric home, so he could be with the engineer guy from the island prison/Wraith buffet, whose name escapes me. I think they'd get along.

Can't wait to see what you do next.


rhymer23 September 17 2008, 16:50:34 UTC
*laughs* Yes. They can start a collection of escaped prisoners they've taken under their wing. :-D Glad you liked it!


scarlet_gryphon September 17 2008, 08:26:46 UTC
Guh. Beautiful and heartwrenching at the same time. This? This is just another reason why I love your stories.


rhymer23 September 17 2008, 16:51:35 UTC
Thank you! *blushes* I felt a bit bad putting quite so much pain in a comfort story, but I felt that the story needed it.


linzi5 September 17 2008, 08:39:45 UTC
I'm so glad they took Edric home too. Another moving and compelling story. Well done! :)


rhymer23 September 17 2008, 16:53:25 UTC
Thanks! I really didn't have the heart to leave Edric there. He really didn't interact directly with them very much, enough to really justify them intervening to free him, but I just couldn't bear to end the story with him still in prison. It is a comfort challenge, after all. :-)


trystings September 17 2008, 10:11:47 UTC
Wonderful story. I'm glad they brought Edric as well - I don't even care what the guy did to land in jail (if anything at all); the loss of Sheppard's optimism and McKay's concern would have killed him if they had left him behind.


rhymer23 September 17 2008, 16:55:01 UTC
Thanks! Yes, I agree. I have to confess that I'm not entirely sure that it makes perfect character sense for them to intervene on his behalf, since he really didn't interact very much with them at all, but this is a comfort challenge, so I stubbornly decreed that he was going to get out.


titan5 September 17 2008, 11:24:16 UTC
Okay, I'll admit it. I was mentally pleading, "Don't leave Edric!". I'm so glad they didn't. I love the way he slowly opened up, fighting it tooth and nail every step of the way. Our team has a way, doesn't it??


rhymer23 September 17 2008, 16:56:57 UTC
Yeah. I'll have to add him to my collection of original characters whose lives have been changed by the team's shining example. ;-) I did consider leaving him in prison, just changed and happier and more able to cope, but I didn't have the heart to do it. Maybe if it hadn't been a comfort challenge, perhaps... but even then, probably not.


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