Fic: Diplomacy, Role Reversal challenge

Aug 03, 2008 13:33

Title: Diplomacy
Author: beatgeek
Word count: 1700
Summary: Dr. Rodney McKay, the Pegasus Galaxy's most culturally sensitive negotiator. Or maybe not.

What, he said, is a 'Neanderthal'?... )

author: beatgeek, challenge: role reversal

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Comments 13

dragonladyk August 3 2008, 23:24:39 UTC
You really had me going. I thought for sure that was all some sort of sham/test to see if the Lanteans were "advanced" enough to deal with them and that Rodney had accidentally passed it, and then wham, that ending. Very original. ^^ I love it when I'm wrong about the ending.

Good fic, great Rodney voice.



linziday August 4 2008, 00:22:07 UTC
"You did a fine job, Rodney. By showing that we care about the opinions of the harem as well as that of the women, we are helping to open up their social structure."



alleonh August 4 2008, 02:40:04 UTC
great twist at the end! I loved it, and you had Rodney perfect throughout the entire story.

favorite lines?

Rodney was reminded of a wall of souvenir bobblehead dolls all swinging at once, except that a wall of bobblehead dolls would have a presented much higher collective IQ than the people he was facing now.

bobblehead humor! Oh the mental image that line created...had me happily grinning for a good ten seconds.

Hell, why hadn't he let Ronon handle it? Ronon could have exchanged grunts with the Exarch in his own language and come to an better agreement than Rodney could have


Great job!


wildcat88 August 4 2008, 02:59:41 UTC
*giggles hysterically* Oh, well done. Rodney with the harem. *cracks up again*


water_soter August 4 2008, 16:07:56 UTC
*rofl* That was too funny! Oh God, just priceless, it was like one of those moments when you think everything is going one way then the curtain is drawn and . . . *giggles helplessly* sorry, just funny. Thanks, I needed that!


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