Guises in Four Seasons: Summer, by Sophonisba [not dead yet challenge]

Mar 19, 2008 00:47

-title- Guises in Four Seasons: Summer
-author- Sophonisba (saphanibaal)
-warnings- Some strong language. Takes place in my pet diverging-reality AU, where Sheppard isn't quite Sheppard. Does it ever. Part of a loose series; it shouldn't be necessary to read the other parts, but they're here, here, and here should one wish to do so.
-timeframe- About the end ( Read more... )

challenge: not dead yet, author: saphanibaal

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Comments 8

kensieg March 19 2008, 12:11:39 UTC
lovely! especially this:"...because he's always known what a crummy, gawky, clumsy substitute he is for Djón the Fair."


belated response saphanibaal April 28 2008, 23:26:17 UTC
Thank you so much for your kind comments! I was rather fond of that line myself.


bratfarrar March 19 2008, 20:05:02 UTC
I shall restrain from pasting in all my favorite bits, since that would be most of the story, and shall instead simply reiterate how much I adore this world and this version of John.

But oh, the last line is perfect in so many ways.

"Your hat," he said instead, taking it out of his pocket and setting it, gently, on his former second's head before sitting back down, a step closer.

Ford is beginning to really understand what it is to be a man and leader, isn't he?


saphanibaal April 29 2008, 01:04:29 UTC
Thank you so much! I always like hearing from you, and I'm glad that this works for you.

//Ford is beginning to really understand what it is to be a man and leader, isn't he?//

Yes, exactly, that's what I was trying to bring out here -- one of the things I like best about working in this is that I can make the effort to have certain characters grow and change right. ^_^


Thinking... donahermurphy December 20 2008, 08:37:09 UTC
The wizard's sainted cousin...

Is there a crossover involving Rodney's cousin Meg I'm not connecting to? All I can think of is A Wrinkle in Time, and that doesn't quite fit with her characterization...

Now I'm going to be spendning the rest of the time trying to make the connection and possibly figure out Rodney's secret (or one of Rodney's many secrets, I should say, I love your characterization of him.)

Anyway, nice work- I love your universe to peices, even if I'm not so up to date on what a lot of the crossoverse refernce, figuring it out is a blast. Keep up the good work.

Er... also I noticed that your list of the universe doesn't seem quite complete- I think you're missing the one about the Day of the Dead and Ronon, at least (I think that fits in there, the Nameless God is referenced again) and there might be more- just a heads up.

A lovely fic, a lovely series, and I look forward to any updates you might feel inspired to write (especially Miko, Rodney, and John. Love them to bits.)


Re: Thinking... saphanibaal December 21 2008, 04:14:40 UTC
//The wizard's sainted cousin...

Is there a crossover involving Rodney's cousin Meg I'm not connecting to?//

Not in this, no; I think I mentioned in one of the other short stories that some of Sheppard's bedside tales were about the wizard Meredith, the son of Artor-the-king's foster brother; in British legend, said foster brother actually is also the brother of the mother of a man who got canonized largely for being sent to the Pelagians in Britain and explaining to them, very loudly and thoroughly, why they were completely, utterly, were-you-drunk-off-your-head-when-you-thought-this-was-a-good-idea, WRONG; founding monasteries wherever he went; and, once during the Explaining of Errors, when some of the people in the back couldn't see or hear him, promptly causing a small hill to grow under his feet rather than bother to walk up one of the many hills already in the vicinity.

(And I didn't even mention the part about the sea monster.) ^_^

//Er... also I noticed that your list of the universe doesn't seem quite complete- I think ( ... )


addition... donahermurphy December 20 2008, 08:44:24 UTC
However, in support of the A Wrinkle in Time thing, I can totally see Rodney being related to Charles Wallace. Unfortunately, I think the characters have already refernced the work... darn. And I doubt Meg could be called an ice queen. Such a good thoery it was, too.


Re: addition... saphanibaal December 21 2008, 04:22:46 UTC
//I can totally see Rodney being related to Charles Wallace.//

Actually, now that you mention it, I kind of could, although in some ways more the twins... on the one hand, I sort of wish I'd thought of that; on the other hand, given what I've already set up, it'd have to be rather distantly through one of the ancestors I haven't already mapped out; and on the gripping hand, I've already established L'Engle's Murray-O'Keefe series as being fictional in this particular universe, and I rather like what it's doing there, so.

Rodney's cousin Meg, btw, is Canadian (she was in CSIS last he heard, which is to the best of my knowledge sort of the Canadian equivalent of the U.S.'s CIA).


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