"Kill Me Now...Please!" by Ellex

Mar 18, 2008 21:39

Title: "Kill Me Now...Please!"
Author: ellex42
Rated: G
Word Count: ~800
Spoilers: Set between season 4 "Midway" and "The Kindred, part 1 ( Read more... )

challenge: not dead yet, author: ellex42

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Comments 43

greyias March 19 2008, 02:08:27 UTC
Oh god, I just about died at the mental image of Ronon doing jazz hands surrounded by a bunch of show-tune singing Marines. Having seen Spamalot in the theatre only makes it worse.

*snorfles again*


ellex42 March 19 2008, 03:01:04 UTC
Yeah, that was the mental image that made me *facepalm* and ask myself, "What the hell is wrong with me?"

I'm glad I made you *snorfle*!


greyias March 19 2008, 03:08:45 UTC
I ask myself that about once a day, it's what makes life interesting (or at the very least... fics.) XD

More facepalming I say!


ellex42 March 19 2008, 03:14:21 UTC
Yep...last weeks faceplam (generally I have about one a week, but sadly they seldom lead to fic) was about Michael Moore coming to Atlantis to do a documentary.

This story is this weeks second facepalm, because yesterday I thought that St. Patrick's Day wasn't until today. I'm two for two this week! I dread what tomorrow may bring.


blade_girl March 19 2008, 02:12:55 UTC
ROFLMAO! Hilarious!


ellex42 March 19 2008, 03:01:30 UTC
Thank you!


anonymous March 19 2008, 02:19:13 UTC
It's always great to see a new fic by you, and this one was really funny. God only knows what the Ancient artifact was meant to do--kill the Wraith by making them so busy singing they couldn't feed?--but the image of Ronon browbeating the Marines into dance numbers and John helplessly belting out "I walk the line" is just fantastic. Whatever you ate or drank before bed, you need to do it more often. :)



ellex42 March 19 2008, 03:03:46 UTC
Thank you! I suspect it had more to do with the evil kitty who kept waking me up last night by poking me in the face with her paw than anything I ingested. Lack of sleep makes me think weird things.


alleonh March 19 2008, 02:36:05 UTC
XD Stargate the musical! I can see it now!

I loved this fic. Funny and just the thing for a fun fit of giggles!


ellex42 March 19 2008, 03:05:47 UTC
I'm so glad you found it funny. I wasn't at all sure about it while I was writing it.



chandri March 19 2008, 02:55:53 UTC
I think my favourite part of this was Carter and Teyla snickering from the observation room. Because they're both restrained laughers, and oh, the restraint this would entail... ;)


ellex42 March 19 2008, 03:11:20 UTC
Personally, I don't think they'd be able to be restrained. I imagine them leaning helplessly on the railing, trying to hold each other up while they laugh...and Rodney down below glaring up at them, promising dire revenge if they don't stop...which only makes them laugh harder.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story!


chandri March 19 2008, 03:20:53 UTC
Hee, yes, because these are two of the very few people in the world who have never had occasion to be the least bit intimidated by Rodney McKay. It would have to be hilarious. ;)


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