Signs & Symptoms: Common Cold (f**king freezing challenge)

Jan 22, 2008 18:25

Title: Signs and Symptoms: the Common Cold
Author: 2ndary_author
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Rodney (slight Ronon, Zelenka)
Rating: PG
A/N: this is set against the backdrop of the signs ‘verse, although hopefully it will make sense without having read that since it doesn’t actually have much to do with Sheppard.  For the "f**king freezing ( Read more... )

author: 2ndary_author, challenge: f**king freezing

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Comments 13

bratfarrar January 23 2008, 02:25:32 UTC
*is thrilled beyond words by this newest Signs story*


water_soter January 23 2008, 05:20:46 UTC
Wonderful, it had been with my heart in my hand till the end. Great work! Love your Rodney!


2ndary_author January 25 2008, 23:07:01 UTC
Thank you--it's hard to work up suspense with Rodney because he talks so much (and because I had to come up with such a ridiculously complicated way of killing him), so I'm glad it worked!


xparrot January 23 2008, 07:16:52 UTC
Fascinating - intriguing Atlantis technobabble and McKay characterization. The prose is dense enough I had to read it through twice to follow it, but it is so very Rodney, to plan a logical sacrifice and not mention it to anyone. And also to try to get Ronon out of the way, playing favorites with his team...


2ndary_author January 23 2008, 17:38:30 UTC
Any story featuring Rodney should require at *least* two read-throughs. He's a genius, have you heard;) thanks for commenting!


leesa_perrie January 23 2008, 17:59:45 UTC
Yay, another good one in this series! Poor noble (I almost spelt that nobel, lol!) Rodney...glad that he didn't have to go through with it at the end there. Love the way you write my favourite geek!


2ndary_author January 25 2008, 23:08:00 UTC
Noble/Nobel, tomato/tomahto, as far as Rodney is concerned. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!


accidentalfan January 23 2008, 20:27:46 UTC
I'm glad Radek saved the day so Rodney didn't have to nobly sacrifice himself. Great characterizations of both of them, though mainly Rodney, of course.


2ndary_author January 25 2008, 23:08:36 UTC
He would have sacrificed, eventually, and then come back to taunt everybody...I'm sure of it! Thanks for commenting.


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