Once More For You by wraithkeeper (Amnesty 2007/Abandonment challenge)

Dec 30, 2007 12:00

Title: Once More For You
Author: wraithkeeper
Word Count: ~700
Rating: PG-13, maybe a little higher
Warnings: Slash. Contains some sexual content.
Disclaimer: *sigh* they don't belong to me :-(
Summary: After Rod leaves Atlantis, Rodney doubts John's devotion to him. 
A/N: McShep, and a bit of a fluff story.

John moaned as he leaned into Rodney and pressed ( Read more... )

author: wraithkeeper, amnesty 2007, challenge: abandonment

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Comments 3

tarlanx December 30 2007, 19:30:08 UTC
So sweet! Love John having to reassure Rodney how much he is wanted and loved.


psyko_kittie December 31 2007, 05:03:37 UTC


lazy_8s January 1 2008, 18:46:14 UTC

Insecure Rodney always pushes my buttons. Great fic!


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