The Te of John, by Speranza

Dec 14, 2007 11:21

Title: The Te of John (43k)
Author: Speranza
Pairing: McShep
Words: ~ 7000
Author's Note: Should be grading, so finishing old flashfics instead. For the Wordless challenge.
Excerpt: "Do you remember the Total Perspective Vortex?"

author: speranza, challenge: wordless, amnesty 2007

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Comments 200

summertea December 14 2007, 16:48:53 UTC

*incoherent noises*


cesperanza December 14 2007, 19:19:56 UTC
Yay, thank you! (See, you did the wordless thing better than I did; I'm wordy by orientation *g*)


taiteilija December 14 2007, 16:52:36 UTC
Oh, this is -- oh ♥

I didn't really have time to read this, but I clicked the link anyway and lost myself in the story, and boy it was worth it.

Wonderful. Just -- wonderful. Thank you.


cesperanza December 14 2007, 19:33:10 UTC
Thank you so much! I am proud to be not only avoiding my own work, but being the cause of work-avoidance in others! \o/


elayna88 December 14 2007, 16:55:24 UTC
Yay for amnesty! This is *fabulous*!


cesperanza December 14 2007, 19:33:36 UTC
Yay for amnesty is RIGHT; man, I love amnesty! W00T. (And thank you!)


ladycat777 December 14 2007, 16:55:41 UTC
Oh love. I love how furious John is, how he doesn't even realize the depths of his own rage and fear. And Rodney will totally see that last line as the 'i love you' it totally is :D



cesperanza December 14 2007, 19:34:50 UTC
It's totally "I love you!" I'm loving how everybody really GOT the whole subtext of their dysfunctional personalities. I love these guys SO MUCH!!

Thank you!


allyndra December 14 2007, 16:59:12 UTC
Oh! Oh! Oh! If I had tried to come up with a situation in which Rodney would want to ascend, I would have failed totally, but this works. The Total Perspective Vortex would truly screw him up, even more than it would for the rest of us (with smaller egos and lesser understandings of physics and energy).

And John! Saving Rodney's life by being as irritating as possible. This might just be the mission John was born for. :o) I love the emotion roiling in him, kept tight under wraps until the end, when it exploded all over the room in glorious, needy sex.

And this: "You crazy bastard: I'm not gay," except it was the most spectacularly mixed message ever, because McKay was dragging him down for the hottest, dirtiest kiss he'd ever gotten: all wet mouth and tongue and intent to fuck. broke my brain.

Thank you for blowing off grading to finish this. So worth it!


cesperanza December 14 2007, 19:37:49 UTC
The Total Perspective Vortex would truly screw him up,

Right, yes--at least I hoped that would fly! It seems to me that if anybody would be interested in ascension as a matter to energy transaction, it would be our agnostic McKay. So I--I mean, if I have to give my own opinion of this story, I'd say that the downside of it is you can TOTALLY see what I'm interested in: that second half where we replay Tao of Rodney except Rodney wants to go this time, and--yes!--John being irritating, you've nailed it. (I actually joked that it was a story about John saving Rodney by being as annoying as possible, so I'm so totally tickled that it's there on the page. \o/ Thank you!)


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