Lord Knows, I Can't Change, by siegeofangels [Fight or Flight challenge]

Oct 22, 2007 17:43

TITLE: Lord Knows, I Can't Change
AUTHOR: siegeofangels
SUMMARY: Gen. "Rodney, why is the jumper playing power ballads?"

NOTES: *squeaks in under the deadline and before the internet connection dies*

Rodney watches as the jumper curves off into the deep blue sky--it's a beautiful day to get Sheppard to try flying the jumper into space. He taps his radio. "You reading me, Major?" he says.

"Loud and clear, McKay," comes the reply.

"How's it look?" Rodney asks. Zelenka and Richter and he had spent all of yesterday crawling over and through the puddlejumper, checking every system they could think of and a few they stumbled upon, test upon test until they were almost entirely reasonably certain that the jumper would be safe to take into space.

"Good, McKay," Sheppard says, and then: "Um, why is the puddlejumper playing power ballads?"

Power balla--oh. "Oh," Rodney says out loud. "Richter hooked his iPod up to the jumper's speakers yesterday while we were working--the acoustics in those things are amazing."

"Yes, I know," Sheppard says dryly. "Okay, initiating pressure shield . . . and we're good."

"Okay," Rodney says, delighted. "Whenever you're ready," but instead of climbing up into the sky, the jumper turns and starts to circle back around. "Sheppard?" he says.

"You said when I was ready."

"You're not ready?"

"In a minute."

"Yes, but--" Rodney crosses his arms, even though there's no way Sheppard can see him. "You're waiting for the guitar solo, aren't you."

" . . . maybe."

Rodney huffs. "Oh, of all of the juvenile--" he starts, and Sheppard interrupts him, sounding more amused than annoyed. "Rodney, it's Skynyrd."

Rodney throws his hands up. "Fine, be that way. Wait for the guitar so--" and the jumper suddenly peels out of its slow lazy circle above the city and heads for the stars, shrinking to a shining white dot in the blue of the sky as Sheppard whoops over the radio, escape velocity in a mind-controlled spaceship, free as a bird.

challenge: fight or flight, author: siegeofangels

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