Fic, "Baked," by Cat Latin; Cake or Death Challenge

Aug 12, 2007 16:51

Title: Baked
Author:  Cat Latin
Fandom: SGA/Discworld crossover
Pairing:  McKay/Sheppard
Rating:  PG
Word Count: 1713
Notes:  Extreme silliness, written for the Cake or Death challenge.
Summary:  "So," Sheppard began brightly, looking up at Death. "I'll bet the Ascended really piss you off."

On an otherwise unremarkable Thursday afternoon in Atlantis, ( Read more... )

author: cat_latin, challenge: cake or death

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Comments 110

taiteilija August 12 2007, 21:38:10 UTC
*dies laughing*


cat_latin August 12 2007, 22:01:50 UTC
I'm glad you liked it!


looking4tarzan August 12 2007, 21:42:45 UTC
oh lord...and I just finished reading Reaper Man too



cat_latin August 12 2007, 22:01:01 UTC
Reaper man is awesome.


temaris August 12 2007, 21:55:23 UTC
Hee! 'CAKE OR ...ME.' just killed me. Metaphorically *g*

And I *want* that cake.


cat_latin August 12 2007, 22:00:22 UTC
Hee! Thanks for reading!


friskaz August 12 2007, 21:57:37 UTC
Oh my god, this is fantastic! Cake and Death! The Auditors, and cake, and then some of them just spontaneously disappearing because of the sex! I love Terry Pratchett, and I love you for putting Terry Pratchett into Stargate.


cat_latin August 12 2007, 21:59:52 UTC
I only know of one other SGA/Discworld crossover. I believe there need to be more! I'm glad you enjoyed this.


droolfangrrl August 12 2007, 22:15:03 UTC
Very cute indeed. Thanks for sharing.

I really like the stuff that's coming from this challenge, except the unavoidable lust for cake.

I don't suppose you could share the recipe for the cake?


cat_latin August 12 2007, 22:25:34 UTC
Thank you. I found it online. I've never baked such a cake, so I'm screwed if the Auditors show up! I think if you google chocolate raspberry ganache some good recipes come up.


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