Title: The Games People Play
rhymer23Rating: PG
Words: 3600
Genre: Humour, mostly. Gen. No spoilers for anything.
Characters: Ensemble - esp. Sheppard and McKay.
Summary: A day of games. What could possibly go wrong?
This is my first post here. No, no, don't all run away at once...
The Games People Play )
Comments 30
Also, given Sheppard's general disregard for authority, I can totally see him getting his hands on one copy of a multiplayer game, thinking, "Hey, the nearest copyright laws are a few hundred light-years away..." and loading it on every machine in Atlantis.
Thanks for the rec!
Oh God, the memories... *shudders* Games like that drive me nuts.
This was very funny. I especially liked Teyla trying to trade in the D&D game and Sheppard winning through cake.
It's a game. You're not supposed to shoot them in real life.
I thought this was going to be another "cake and death interpretation of the challenge, but you managed to find a legitimate situation in which there is a choice between cake or death.
And I love Teyla's approach to D&D. Trade with the goblins!
I think I might try Teyla's approach next time I go role-playing. If nothing else, it will baffle the GM.
See? You are a genius, even if you won't acknowledge it.
Teyla is a weapon against nerds. I get the feeling she's doing it on purpose. She's good at reading people and situations and can be quite devious in her own special way. Poor Radek - he doesn't stand a chance against her sexiness.
Ah, you see, I've got this English modesty thing going. Privately, I know full well I'm a genius of more than Rodney McKay proportions - I saved the world yesterday from a terrible and bloody death, don't you know? - but it doesn't do to admit such things out loud. ;-)
Sheppard swallowed. Carson's mouth had fallen open, though his mouse hand was still moving, controlling a character he was no longer aware of.
"That's one way of winning a game, I guess," Sheppard said weakly. Ronon returned and sat down with a grunt. Sheppard looked at him. "Please tell me that was set on stun."
"Of course," Ronon said, as he returned the flag from the corpse of his unresisting enemy. He had still not touched his cake. "It's only a game."
That was HILARIOUS! Loved every minute. But the bit with Ronon stunning the players to win is pure gold.
It is suddenly occurring to me that I'm probably not making the best possible first impression in this fandom. I hasten to add that, although I regularly invite friends round and cheat in order to blow their heads off, I'm quite normal, really, and wouldn't hurt a fly.
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