
Apr 23, 2007 23:14

TITLE: Just Us Few - Part 2 of 2
AUTHOR: Leesa Perrie
RATING: PG13 (to be safe)
CATEGORY: Gen, episode tag, humour
SPOILERS: The Return, Parts One and Two
WORD COUNT: 2672 (total of both parts)
SUMMARY: Set after The Return, Part Two. John puts his plan into motion...

Just Us Few continued...

“So,” John said nonchalantly.  “You ( Read more... )

challenge: return, author: leesa_perrie

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Comments 8

poetryfiend April 23 2007, 23:15:26 UTC
I loved that :) There should be a special genre for sleep-deprived Rodney fics :) You have all the characters so down, it's amazing!

And you're in Derby? I'm in Nottingham! We're neighbours ;) Small world isn't it?


leesa_perrie April 24 2007, 12:47:25 UTC
Glad you liked it - I love sleep-deprived Rodney fics myself! Thanks.

And wow, small world indeed! Nottingham, home of... ...Boots the chemists (and I bet you thought I was going to say Robin Hood!!)


skeddy_kat April 24 2007, 00:48:37 UTC
I enjoyed the look at our guys through Jack's eyes. Sometimes I think the folks at the SGC underestimate them badly and I liked the way you had Jack address that.


leesa_perrie April 24 2007, 12:49:09 UTC
Thank you. I do get the impression that the SGC doesn't understand Sheppard, Elizabeth and co at times. Who better to address it with than Jack?!


sholio April 24 2007, 06:27:44 UTC
This is really neat! I love the outsider look at our gang, seeing them through Jack's eyes. You really have his voice down, and I like the way that he realizes he's misjudged them without being totally won over and thinking they're all the greatest thing ever. *grin* He still keeps his distance, and that's really nicely done. And I love how the gang is watching out for Rodney in their own subtle way.


leesa_perrie April 24 2007, 12:58:10 UTC
Wow, thanks. Really glad you liked it. This is the first time I've written Jack, so I'm glad you thought I got his voice down. I figured that Jack would realise he had misjudged them, but that doesn't mean he agrees with their actions, or that he can stand McKay!!

And I like it when one of the gang gets sneaky, and thought it was time for John (and Teyla and Ronon) to get the better of Rodney for once in one of my fics!! Ah, they're all just one big (dysfunctional) happy family!!!


saphanibaal May 3 2007, 05:16:51 UTC
I like everybody's voices in this.

It feels very fast-paced.

And I really, really like the last three sentences. Because yes, it does work that way, and respect is more valuable in the long run anyway.


leesa_perrie May 3 2007, 12:15:56 UTC
So glad you liked the voices and the pace, and the last three sentences. I could imagine Jack begrudingly respecting McKay for what he has achieved and done the last few years, but still not being able to stand him!! And of course Atlantis is in capabe hands with that lot, craziness or not! Thanks.


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