Fic: Deep In The Hundred Acre Galaxy, by notapipe

Apr 16, 2007 01:43

Title: Deep In The Hundred Acre Galaxy
Author: notapipe
Wordcount: 3350
Rating: (Light) PG for language.
Pairings: None, really.
Warnings: Well, it's kind of absurd/crack. And there's an image. Also: AU.
Summary:A donkey named Caldwell is his friend ( Read more... )

challenge: animal, author: notapipe

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Comments 24

morebliss April 16 2007, 10:20:18 UTC
I am in complete and utter awe. I can't even compose decent feedback because of my flailing hands and the tears of laughter. THANK YOU!!!!!!


notapipe April 17 2007, 04:25:27 UTC
Thanks. I suppose complete and utter awe goes a fair way towards making up for not working on my thesis all night.


leesa_perrie April 16 2007, 12:08:17 UTC
Oh this is just...priceless!! And of course Rodney would be Rabbit, not Eyore as I first thought - silly me!

And this line had me LOL - "It's Daniel. He could communicate with an eggplant." - he probably could at that too!!

Love the image at the end too!!

So, do they fix it?!


notapipe April 16 2007, 17:52:34 UTC
Yeah, when I first conceptualized it, I started out thinking that Rodney would be Eeyore too -- though, obviously I thought better of it once I remembered Rabbit. I blame the fact that Eeyore is far more iconic.

Love the image at the end too!!

Thanks. I spent so fucking long on that. And I'm glad I did, because I think if I hadn't, I never would have had the incentive to finish the fic (I didn't want my image to go to waste).

So, do they fix it?!

Presumably. I had to end the damn thing somewhere before I ended up writing a thousand words dealing with Fordlet worrying about no longer being friends with Pooh. Plus, I totally can't figure out how write the ending scene I'd like to write. (Sketch: They fix it and go back to their reality, and a young Daniel Jackson comes through the Stargate and they're all recounting their adventures and he calls Pooh a silly old bear.)


notapipe April 16 2007, 17:55:17 UTC
(Note: Obviously there would be mention of tummies, the lack of which was my cardinal sin here.)


proscription April 16 2007, 13:57:43 UTC
This is just fantastic-- I was laughing so hard that my co-worker came over to see if I was alright. I love that you even did the songs!


unrequited_rain April 16 2007, 16:21:19 UTC
"It's Daniel. He could communicate with an eggplant." yes. yes he could :D


notapipe April 17 2007, 21:32:45 UTC
Ever notice how eggplants are never portrayed positively in the media? Eggplants are always evil, e.g. Eggplant Wizard. Even this, ostensibly good eggplant is totally sketchy. It's all kind of racist.


notapipe April 17 2007, 21:43:12 UTC
Further evidence for anti-eggplant bias in the media: I figured if anything had a good eggplant, it would be VeggieTales; so I googled it to confirm or disprove my idea. Turns out, it's worse than I thought: A Latino eggplant with a gold tooth, greasy hair, and an exaggerated accent plays the role of Mr. Nezzar's henchman in Rack, Shack, and Benny. Double the racism, double the fun!

And check this out:
Results 1 - 10 of about 20,700 for virtuous eggplant. (0.17 seconds)
Compare this to:
Results 1 - 10 of about 312,000 for evil eggplant. (0.13 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 61,500 for asshole eggplant. (0.14 seconds)

Plus, there's a SongFight title for "I Don't Like Eggplant" but no SongFight title for "Eggplants Are Worthy of Our Respect" or "I Don't Like Pakistanis". There's a reason for that.


hth_the_first April 16 2007, 16:43:19 UTC
I started out thinking this was pretty awesome, and then it just kept getting awesomer. It was like a bottomless well of AWESOME.

Also, if the Runner version of the Tigger song really existed? I would totally have it on my mp3 player.

In summation: Awesome. Thank you!


notapipe April 17 2007, 04:36:37 UTC
Danke! I am totally down with bottomless wells of awesome; they are boss.

So. Anecdote. I downloaded the Tigger song after I finished writing this, and maybe it's just that the version I found was some lame new one or something, but it was not nearly as awesome as I remembered. Or, possibly it could have something to do with not having heard it in, like, 10 years. Though, I suppose if Ronon were singing it, that would make it awesome-ermore awesomest.

(Though the Winnie The Pooh song is still totally fucking hardcore.)


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