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Comments 61

leahwoof February 4 2007, 04:02:16 UTC
Hee hee hee.

That was lovely. Very funny and wonderfully cute. :D


ellex42 February 4 2007, 04:07:02 UTC
Thank you!


soapbox_solo38 February 4 2007, 04:31:15 UTC

Very nice piece. ^^ Thoroughly enjoyable; who would've thought that John carried around a camera just for moments like that? ;)

[What do you mean, what does that mean? It's 'once upon a time', it doesn't mean anything, it's how all these stories start. No more interruptions, I'm serious. Now, where were we? Ah yes.]


ellex42 February 4 2007, 05:08:08 UTC
Thank you!

Actually, I figure at least one person on every mission carries some kind of recording device - camera or camcorder - to record anything of interest.

Plus - if you worked with Rodney, wouldn't you carry a camera just for moments like that? I would.


soapbox_solo38 February 13 2007, 20:43:02 UTC
Blackmail! xD


margarks February 4 2007, 04:57:01 UTC
hee hee! I would give my eye teeth to see Rodney fast asleep in a puppy pile of children! so cute! you definitely should get an icon of Rodney in a green hat that says "rodney hood" on it! :D


ellex42 February 4 2007, 05:09:21 UTC
LOL, I'd give my eyeteeth to be in that puppy pile!

Thanks! And the icon idea is a good one...


Review anonymous February 4 2007, 06:22:56 UTC
Adorable! And quite within Rodney's abilities I should think. After all, he did get those two little kids into shelter on the world in "Childhood's End."



Re: Review ellex42 February 4 2007, 06:51:01 UTC
Thank you!


sholio February 4 2007, 09:33:30 UTC
OMG -- that was *adorable!* And perfectly in character, too. I think my very favorite part was Carson walking in on Sheppard quietly laughing his ass off at the story ... and, in an understated way, I liked the implication that Sheppard stayed up all night just to make sure they were all OK. And the puppy pile of kids ...! *dies* Loved it, loved it.


ellex42 February 4 2007, 16:58:15 UTC
Thank you! I've had something along these lines in my mind for some time now, and the image of Sheppard sitting in the Jumper, listening to Rodney, was an important part of it. That and the puppy pile - I really want to see an actual episode where Rodney is stuck with a bunch of kids. Really, really want it.


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