Song & Dance, by ellex42

Nov 17, 2006 22:23

Song and Dance
By ellex42
Rated G
Summary: Two ficlets. Song: pre-slash, McKay/Sheppard, songfic, smarm alert. Dance: just an odd idea I had. Gen. Set during Season 2 episode Duet with a tiny spoiler for Critical Mass.

Song )

challenge: song and dance, author: ellex42

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Comments 11

blue_underwing November 18 2006, 06:31:23 UTC
The idea of Cadman tapdancing with Rodney body is just...neat. This was fun. Thank you ^_^


ellex42 November 19 2006, 04:06:15 UTC
Once I had that image in my head, I couldn't get rid of it until I wrote it down.

Thanks for reading!


oran November 18 2006, 09:23:12 UTC
You chose one of my all time favourite songs and made it into a lovely little piece. Thank-you so much for a glimpse of 'gentle Rodney.'

Take care. O. xx


ellex42 November 19 2006, 04:08:42 UTC
I've heard David Hewlett sing in a few roles, and he really does have a nice voice that would be suited for this song. I was listening to it on the radio, and though it would be a nice way for a pre-slash Sheppard and McKay to tell each other how they felt.

Thank you for reading!


crystalheaven November 20 2006, 14:02:09 UTC
OMG! *laughs and flails*

I have an acoustic version of that song, and the second I saw the words, I started playing it, picturing the boys singing it. Made the story that much more.

And tap-dancing!RodneyCadman is the love! Seriously. Coolest thing ever.

*loves like crazy*


ellex42 November 21 2006, 03:37:56 UTC
A local radio station has been playing that song a lot lately - I think the acoustic version is the original - and I got this image in my mind, which became the ficlet. I'm glad you liked it - I was afraid it was overboard on the smarm.

I wish we'd had more of Cadman in McKay's body...'Duet' was way too short. I've been thinking about this one since Cadman said she could tap dance.


adafrog November 22 2006, 13:20:46 UTC
These were great. I loved the singing.


ellex42 November 23 2006, 01:33:55 UTC
Thank you!


lishel_fracrium December 10 2006, 01:38:54 UTC
*cackles* I wish I could see him dancing on the show.


ellex42 December 10 2006, 20:46:24 UTC
*grin* Me, too - dancing and singing, because Hewlett actually has a very nice singing voice.


lishel_fracrium December 11 2006, 03:34:32 UTC
I know. *bg*


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