Title: How To Jump Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Word Count: 3,212 Summary: "I've suddenly got superpowers and all this guy's thinking about is his grandmother's china."
This? Is brilliant. I laughed so hard at the following line: Ok, as much fun as standing real still and yet still thinking really loudly is, it's actually not helping. I love the premise and the backstory you gave the planet (I'm thinking of the really long building names here - especially A Place Of Meeting Where Friends May Enjoy Culinary Delights In One Another's Company which is absolutely delightful). Reccing this on my lj, if you don't mind. Wonderful :).
and this is Dr. McKay, no you can't keep him. This made me snort with laughter. John so needs to do it. *giggling*
freaky superpowered alien mucus
This is one of funnies things I've read in a while. *grin* I guess Rodney's allergies aren't totally useless. Superpowered mucus. *is back to laughing*
Comments 32
This made me snort with laughter. John so needs to do it. *giggling*
freaky superpowered alien mucus
This is one of funnies things I've read in a while. *grin* I guess Rodney's allergies aren't totally useless. Superpowered mucus. *is back to laughing*
John and Rodney are cute and I liked the way it turned out.
I have allergies myself and no matter how much I'd love a place, if I couldn't breathe, I think I wouldn't stay there!
Thanks for sharing :)
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