Title: Resurrection Girl by Gategrrl
Rating: PG
Length: short
Character: Elizabeth Weir
Disclaimer: don't own 'em, never expect to make money off them either!
Note: an idea that's been simmering for a while. this is the short version.
Summary: She supposed she ought to tell someone about the resurrections, but she wasn't sure anyone would believe
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Comments 9
That was what I meant. ;)
It's been too long since I've watched that show! Isn't this type of story the only one they didn't do on that show? It's been so long, I can't remember!
Okay, apparently they didn't do the Groundhog Day ep. A golden opportunity missed! LOL
Love the fic, too.
Er -- it should be "ought to tell." "Aught" is an old synonym for "anything."
And the last two sentences... that's really going to be staying with me. The reward for a job well done is another job, but the punishment for a job ill done is to do it over... and Sisyphus thinks his lot is harsh!
I think the closest mythical character to compare to Elizabeth in this would be, um, Prometheus, who had a bird eating his innards and liver every day while chained to a rock.
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