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Comments 163

kbk March 16 2006, 04:55:42 UTC
ooooh. with... and the... and even the section titles are great, and there's so much going on between the scenes, and behind them as well, and, christ, I was angry at Sheppard, and... eee.


mousewitchy March 16 2006, 17:48:35 UTC
*bounces* Thank you! I'm so glad it worked for you!

so much going on between the scenes, and behind them as well, and, christ, I was angry at Sheppard

Oh man, I'm glad that came across. It was tough--*I* knew everyone thought he was dead, and that John was all heartbroken and grieving in the background, and it was *really hard* to write Rodney learning to hate them.


ladycat777 March 16 2006, 04:58:01 UTC
Oh, man. This was absolutely incredible.

Er, sorry I can't be more coherent but ... yeah. Incredible.


mousewitchy March 16 2006, 17:49:50 UTC
Hee! That's okay!

Thank you very much for commenting, I'm glad it worked for you!

(Also, I love that icon. Where did you find it?)


ladycat777 March 16 2006, 17:51:48 UTC
Check out user "wav" -- s/he's got a lot of fab icons :)


amothea March 16 2006, 05:15:50 UTC
lovely story, I really feel for Rodney.


mousewitchy March 16 2006, 17:50:49 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and that it worked for you.


kalikahuntress March 16 2006, 05:24:55 UTC
This is a lovely story, and Rodney's pain and fear was very real here. I really liked the part where he was dissecting every interaction he had with people he trusted, trying to make sense of why they left him because it seems like such a logical thing to do in such a situation.

And I loved your portrayal of Sheppard here as well,in the hands of a writer who isn't careful in how every character is portrayed, Sheppard could of come off as unlikeable, but I felt just as much for him in the end.

Also, I'm a huge fan of your OC characters, I just reread Down to You, and I could see why Rodney trusted Jonah and he came off as very sympathetic as well.

Excellent story, this is a keeper:)


mousewitchy March 16 2006, 18:15:24 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad it worked for you.

And especially glad that Sheppard and Jonah both came out to be sympathetic characters. I was worried about that--Rodney's POV didn't exactly lend itself to showing how Sheppard and the rest had grieved when they thought Rodney was dead. And Jonah would have been far too easy to villianize.


Also, I'm a huge fan of your OC characters, I just reread Down to You, and I could see why Rodney trusted Jonah and he came off as very sympathetic as well.

Hee! Thank you!


(The comment has been removed)

mousewitchy March 16 2006, 18:18:00 UTC
eeeeee! I'm glad it worked for you. Thanks for letting me know! ;)


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