What to Say to Rodney When He's Naked; Or, How Aliens MadeThem (Almost) Do It, by mousewitchy

Jan 08, 2006 14:21

Title: What to Say to Rodney When He’s Naked;
Or, How Aliens Made Them (Almost) Do It
Author: mousewitchy
Rated: Hard R/ Soft NC-17
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Disclaimer: Not mine. Fan-written fiction.
Summary: Wherein Teyla gets slave-boys, Rodney gets naked, and John’s hair sends secret signals.
A/N: I have loads of people to thank on this, namely: _evening_star_Read more... )

author: mousewitchy, challenge: slave, amnesty ii

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Comments 100

magus_minor January 8 2006, 20:50:51 UTC
I love and adore you. And this. It was wonderful, hilarious and tender at the same time. I loved what you did with Teyla, and oh, premediated!

Thank you so much for this.


mousewitchy January 8 2006, 22:59:04 UTC
Hee! Yes, John's hair is definitely premeditated. I've always thought the reason John's hair is so very gay is not because it looks so good, but because of how much time he must spend in the mirror every morning trying to make it look so good.

I figure men don't usually spend so much time trying to look good for other men. Unless there's a very good reason.


I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for commenting!


magus_minor January 9 2006, 06:43:08 UTC
It's not my John (who just can't do anything about his hair), but I LOVED the description.

It made me think of court shows, you know. "So, Colonel Sheppard, what kind of offense does your hair commit?" ::g::

Mind if I friend you? Just on the basis that I like how you think?


mousewitchy January 10 2006, 03:50:07 UTC
It made me think of court shows, you know. "So, Colonel Sheppard, what kind of offense does your hair commit?"

Bwah! *dies laughing*

Yes, his hair is not only very gay, but premeditatedly so. Colonel Sheppard, the jury finds you guilty as charged of HOMOSEXUALITY IN THE FIRST DEGREE!

*cue collective gasp*

You are hereby remanded to the Atlantis facility, where you will serve your sentence of 20 to life, without the possibility of parole, as a prisoner of the really amazing, hot and incredibly sweaty and sticky GAY SEX (with Rodney).

*laughs self senseless*

I am far too easily amused. Really.

And no, I don't mind at all if you friend me! *beams* Friending you back!


niennah January 8 2006, 21:07:30 UTC
This was great! I love Teyla being hardass, and also a slasher, heh.

But mostly I loved John's worry that Rodney didn't know he was serious, and his hot way of convincing him. Excellent fic.


mousewitchy January 8 2006, 23:01:33 UTC
Thank you! And who wouldn't slash those two, given a good set of circumstances, right? :)

*ignores the het*

I'm glad you enjoyed it!


thegrrrl2002 January 8 2006, 21:12:12 UTC
Woo! That was fun, and very, very hot. I loved John in this, my god, what a doof, yet utterly sweet and charming. He's fabulous.

Which, again, John still thought the whole hair thing should have given him away, what with Rodney being a genius; and hello--the wristband?

LOL! The wristband, oh yeah, I suspected as much. *g*

There's so much to love about this, and I especially loved Teyla's part in it, being smart and in charge of her "boys", and I loved her explanation for how John and Rodney pleased her. Because that would please me a great deal, too.

And the ending, yeah, that was wicked hot. I loved seeing John being the one struggling to figure out what to say, and wanting so badly to say just the right thing. Which he manages to do, most admirably. *g*


mousewitchy January 8 2006, 23:12:53 UTC
I loved John in this, my god, what a doof, yet utterly sweet and charming. He's fabulous.

Thank you! Wow, such a compliment, coming from you!

*blushes like whoa*

(And the wristband is *such* a giveaway, OMG)

There's so much to love about this, and I especially loved Teyla's part in it, being smart and in charge of her "boys", and I loved her explanation for how John and Rodney pleased her. Because that would please me a great deal, too.

Again, thank you thank you thank you! *bounces* I liked Teyla a lot in this, actually. So much that I had to struggle a great deal with how she kept wanting to take a lead role and incite social revolution among the Istani. Sort of--"See what happens when you make the boys happy, too?"

The ending was sooooo hard for me to get to. Like, after the briefing, I was stalled, stalled, stalled, and then suddenly boom--it's all there, and John's chasing Rodney down the hallways of Atlantis ( ... )


birdsflying January 8 2006, 21:13:37 UTC
I think I hit le petite mort when John started describing what he would have done. Nrrrgh. And I loved Teyla and her plan. A lot.

Fantastic fic!


mousewitchy January 8 2006, 23:19:06 UTC
Le petit mort, eh? Don't think I don't know what that means. *g*

I'll try not to be too terribly proud of myself. It's not exactly becoming.


I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thanks so much for telling me!

P.S.--Icon love! *drools* That is just gorgeous.


fairestcat January 8 2006, 21:15:36 UTC
I like this a lot. It's sweet and VERY hot.

I especially like that while the focus is on John and Rodney all the characters are well-written and feel very much themselves.


mousewitchy January 8 2006, 23:22:11 UTC
Thank you! I tried very hard not to neglect the rest of the cast, so it's good to hear they came out like they should have.

Thanks for your kind comments, and I'm really glad you liked it!


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