Don't Ask, Don't Tell (Slave Challenge)

Jun 02, 2005 12:16

Title: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Author: Miriam Heddy
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Light Bondage? (is that even warning-worthy at this point in a slave-themed story?)
Thanks to Zoe Rayne for more than just the....
Summary: McKay finds it more difficult than he would have imagined to indulge John in his little fantasy.

It'll be fun! )

author: miriam_heddy, challenge: slave

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Comments 66

raveninthewind June 2 2005, 16:28:03 UTC
Ha! I Like Rodney's Busy Brain running in the background, as he tries to finesse mutual orgasms out of a rather clueless Sheppard. *g*

(One thing: "immanent" should be "imminent".)


miriam_heddy June 2 2005, 16:33:00 UTC
Fixed. I only wish orgasms were immanent, actually. I like the idea of a brain dedicated only to sex, but I think that here, there's just too much getting in the way of the mood.


_inbetween_ June 2 2005, 16:28:05 UTC
I really like slave-fics that don't get off on the slave-thing. Not even "I'll be an unusually enlightened Roman General with an interest in breaking the will of my sexy but defiant slave" works, and I only worried when Rodney sees sex-with-John as his work-out, during which he can think about scientific problems though XD But I guess John might persuade him that he is indeed all the fantasy needed <3


miriam_heddy June 2 2005, 16:36:12 UTC
I think that, with our fantasies, they're just usually so complicated, and that's only revealed to us when we try to make them real, and so much fails to satisfy or match the perfection in our head. The slave thing is particularly complicated, isn't it? Because it's a metaphor, and maybe a movie, and maybe about submission, but maybe just about the bondage. Or it's all of those things, or something else entirely. And I'm not sure John knows, at least not yet.

Rodney and the work-out? Well, I see him as somewhat practical, and also a little bit distracted. It's hard to get into a fantasy--or into sex, for that matter--when you've been arguing about it for so long. It's like trying to believe in a movie when you've been on set, adjusting the cameras all day.


_inbetween_ June 2 2005, 16:43:14 UTC
*nods* What you think you want might not only not be what you need, it might not actually be what you want at all. Maybe you want Tony Curtis in eyeliner and hot-tub, maybe you think you want to have all control taken away from you but then can't feel comfortable. Then again, you can overthink sex very easily. But you can also practice and unlearn it. Actually, that's a bit scary now *wry grin* And in case I wasn't clear (I am having an "interesting" day) I liked this a lot, both for the funny as for the emotional!


miriam_heddy June 2 2005, 16:52:50 UTC
No--you were clear, and we get each other, I think. Your comment made me think more about this--about just how much stories in which characters act out fantasies are usually... fantasies. So they're usually perfectly choreographed, and this wasn't, and I wonder why I still found it hot, or if that's just that my particular kink is imperfect sex, done as perfectly as I can. ;-)


sarren June 2 2005, 16:31:40 UTC
I really, really like this *a lot*

I like the idea that they're in a casual relationship, with the hint at the end I got from John stroking him(and Rodney didn't cos he's selfconscious about his flab) and the 'you're my fantasy' comment, that John is starting to see it as more...

...and of course the last line slays me.


miriam_heddy June 2 2005, 16:39:20 UTC
:-) While I used to be about first-times, and I still do enjoy writing them, I've gotten into writing continuing relationship stories, in part because they're just so complicated. All the time, we like to assume that long-term partners know each other's likes and dislikes, and yet I doubt that's really true for most people, especially as it's really hard to tell someone to stop doing something that doesn't cause you pain and that seems to cause them pleasure. For me, this was all about trying to work out how these two guys would negotiate a marginally satisfying sex life, and how much they must love each other to do it!


sarren June 2 2005, 16:53:14 UTC
Oops, see I didn't get that they were in a long term loving relationship, to me it felt that the love was a blossoming thing, and I really liked that...maybe because I still do prefer first time fics. This fandom (and the flashfic concept) has been a new experience for me, and I find myself reading a much wider variety of fic even *gasp* gen!

Your name felt really familiar to me so I wandered over to your website and discovered that I was a big fan of your Joxer/Ares all those years ago. (I fbacked, I promise) And now I realise you've written in all these other great fandoms and you've distracted me from Atlantis!! (temporarily!) Currently enjoying your IM fic very much.


hexnessie June 2 2005, 16:33:53 UTC
Great story. I liked the air of authenticity given by their not-so-fantastic fantasy sex session, and by Rodney's mentally multi-tasking (which actually gave the strong impression that sex with John is something very much part of his life).


bluestarmuse June 3 2005, 10:35:30 UTC
OMG icon love!


hexnessie June 3 2005, 11:06:21 UTC
Heh, thanks. I got on lj only recently and I'm still in the "squee! I can learn to make myself icons!" stage :)


bluestarmuse June 3 2005, 11:14:10 UTC
Which if you like making graphics is a stage you'll never leave, believe me. Not that that is a bad thing. +grins+


casspeach June 2 2005, 16:38:29 UTC
I too adored the realism of this, with Rodney's anxieties about his body, and that turning fantasy into fact was not quite as easy and fun as it might have seemed and the hints of a comfortable happy relationship underlying it all were very nice.


miriam_heddy June 5 2005, 04:56:51 UTC
Rodney does seem to me to be sort of defensive, and as much as you can read that as a sign of confidence, more often it's a sign of insecurity. I don't imagine he's *hugely* insecure, or wibbling over in a corner going, "How could anybody lust after me." Heh. But we all have those moments where we want to steer our partners away from whatever makes us uncomfortable, and into what feels good. And hey, I want Rodney to feel good :-)


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