Title: Assent Author: Kylie Lee (kylielee1000) Category: Slash Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Length: 1600 words Rating: NC-17 Summary: Aliens made them do it, more or less.
I loved the disjointedness of John's thought processes and the way he'd chosen Rodney and he didn't know why except he did really. Nicely written, hot and faintly disturbing with the audience in the background but always there.
faintly disturbing with the audience in the background but always there
Yeah, I was really kind of wanting this to come through, the sheer distubring-ness of what they were asked to do always present, instead of it being all "Oh, yeah, sure, we've always loved each other! Ha ha!"
Comments 90
Yeah, I was really kind of wanting this to come through, the sheer distubring-ness of what they were asked to do always present, instead of it being all "Oh, yeah, sure, we've always loved each other! Ha ha!"
Thanks for this sweet FB-y note!
Oh yay, glad you liked...
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I love how you always get what I'm going for. Thank you! You're the best reader evah!
Coherence is overrated. (Clearly I think that, and thus this fic, yes?) Thank you!
Hmmm...hee! Glad you enjoyed. And your icon is so apropos. Love! It!
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