Category of the fics you'd beta: Action/ Humor/ Drama/ Team/ Fluff/ Slash/ Gen/ Het/ Threesome/PWP/ Smut/BDSM
Category of the fics you won't beta: Crossover// Mpreg/ Deathfic// Non-con
Pairing of the fics you'd beta (if applicable): I'm pretty much open to anything but McShep and McBeck are where i'm more comfortable but what the hell. I have a
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Comments 22
Basically, I'm writing for sga_santa and I'm looking for both a beta and somebody I can bounce ideas off. So far, it's either going to be a gen fic or very slightly McShep. I'm leaning towards gen though. It'll most likely be fairly long, given the plot. It's also my first real fic in this fandom so I'd like it to be good! :) (I mostly write in the HP fandom)
Anyway, my email is dystopian [at] gmail [dot] com so feel free to contact me if you're willing to be either a beta or somebody I can bounce ideas off of or both! :)
Title: none at the moment
Rating: PG
Word Count: Around 2500
pairing: McShep, background McKeller
Warnings/Spoilers: This is set after Enemy at the Gate but only really has spoilers for Outcast.
This is 90% finished but I'm having trouble with the last part. Any help would be appreciated!
A bit more about it
Title: Pegasus Galaxy University Courselist 2004-2009 or How Rodney McKay Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Atlantis
Genre: Gen, drama, veers into AU towards the end
Length: about 1200 words
Character: Rodney
Spoilers: little ones for the entire series, then a medium sized one for Enemy at the Gate
(And I'm a Rodney girl so you win bonus points there! *grin*)
Title of the fic: Life After
Category of your fic: Angst, Slash
Pairing (if applicable): John/Rodney (no sex scene)
Secondary pairings: Non explicit, but mention of Rodney/Jennifer
If not pairing oriented, main character or characters: Team+
Type of beta you'd like: As detailed as you're willing in plot, structure, grammar
Length: 23,000 word Stand-alone
Short Summary: Life after the final episode; breaking the team and putting it back together.
This is for a zine, so it's maybe a two week turnaround? I'd need comments back by the 4/5th of July at the latest.
I have a pretty thick-skin and haven't been crushed by previous editors or betareaders so far.
Thanks in advance, even if you're saying no.
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