Category of the fics you'd beta: Action, Humor, Drama, Team, Slash, Gen, Het, Threesome, PWP, Smut, BDSM (to a point), Angst (I'm a big angst fan), Crack, AU
Category of the fics you won't beta: Fluff (This really only applies to fluff that borders on OOC), Non-con
Pairing of the fics you'd beta (if applicable): I'm open to pretty much anything.
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Comments 21
Title: In the Arms of Angels
Cat: Actiony (maybe), some whump...
Pairing: None
Main Characters: Sheppard, Jeannie
Length: Looking like 5 chapters, all about 3000-4000 words each
Summary: Starts off as a tag to Miller's Crossing: Sheppard goes down to Earth for a briefing and some R&R, and finds Jeannie there. They go out to lunch, Madison's there as well, and they end up being hostages. A few twists here and there, but if you're interested, I'll tell you more.
Hope to hear from you soon :)
I'm going to need a beta soon for a threesome fic (John/Rodney/Ronon). I've one short smut chapter already done, but the rest is a WIP. My biggest problem is spelling. I'm dyslexic and I cannot see certain misspelled words (no matter how often they are pointed out to me). It will be broken into chapters of around 5,000 words each.
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC-17
Length: Currently at 5000-6000 words
I'm working on a John/Rodney fic, for which I need a beta. It's a WIP, as I tend to write a short chapter, post it to wraithbait, then another, etc. It's mildy fluffy, and I wasn't feeling too much need for a beta, but now I've gotten to the porn part, which I've never written before, and would love some assistance. I'm rather nervous about making the porn horrible and unbelievable. Obviously, that section is my main concern, however I would greatly appreciate general editing of the rest of it for grammar, characterization, gaping plot holes, etc.
If you are willing to beta it, let me know. :) Thank you!
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And I was just complaining to a friend about the lack of John/Ronon out there. I'd love to beta! I won't be able to get to until tomorrow after work (I get home roughly 4:30PST), but I will give it my full attention then. Email it (Word docs are best) to scifijunkie at
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