Jun 06, 2011 23:03
Okay, one show a week and a weekend start date was the preference according to the poll. No one mentioned a preference for a time during the month to start, so there is no reason to wait. I'll make the first rewatch post this Friday, June 10th. I'll say after 10PM EST, because that's the one time I can be sure of almost every week of the year, barring unexpected events.
One question, I thought it would be fun to make a poll on each rewatch post about how slashy people thought the episode was, but that assumes that people participating in the rewatch are slash fans. If that isn't the case, then I won't bother. So, if you could let me know if it's a good/bad/offensive idea, I'd appreciate it. Feel free to PM me, if you'd prefer.
(Could I have used the letter 'p' more often? *g*)