The Fic Battle Rules
ETA: We are no longer accepting prompts. Tomorrow morning, the fic battle starts! Yay!
1. This post will be open for prompts for one week, starting Monday, March 3rd through Monday, March 10th. Approximately. You can probably cadge some extra time for getting prompts in until early Monday morning. (Especially as one mod is in the States, and one is in the U.K. We tend to go with the later of our two time zones for a deadline, and the earlier of our time zones for a start time.)
2. A fic (and fanart) post will be put up on Tuesday, March 11th (at the latest), and be open through Sunday, March 23rd. Ish. We like to build in extra time. Just in case RL happens.
3. You have the space of one comment to fit your fic in. Alternately, you can give an excerpt, and leave a link to a longer work, if you're just that awesomely inspired. :)
4. A thumbnail for fanart should be posted, along with a link to the larger work. (Icons are also allowed, but let's try not to spam everyone with icons, okay? Three icons per comment, and a link to a longer post, should any of the prompts inspire iconage in great number. But only one comment per prompt.)
5. Anyone may submit prompts! Anyone at all! The more prompts, the better. Anyone may write for any prompt! It's a ficcish free-for-all.
6. You can make as many entries as you want! However, your mods stress quality over quantity any day of the week.
7. The usual rare pairings rules will apply: Any and every 'ship possible in gen, het, femslash, or slash, except the four biggest, which are: Sheppard/Weir, McKay/Sheppard, Daniel/Jack, and Jack/Sam (all are awesome; all get much love already). However, threesome/moresome prompts that contain those pairings are allowed.
8. We're disallowing crossovers with non-Gateverse series, in keeping with the rules for the ficathons we've run previously on this comm.
9. There are no offensive prompts allowed. Period. Nor are offensive fics. We want to keep things enjoyable for everyone participating. Your mods dislike the various -isms, and get burned up an insane amount by character or pairing-bashing. (We're also severely freaked out by the thought of underage characters porning it up. Not to mention severely freaked out by the LJ-banning consequences of such. Please don't bring the PTB down on us.)
ETA: If you want to go in and submit additional prompts, please do not edit your comment. We're continually going through and sorting prompts as they're received, and we don't want to take the chance that your additional prompts will be lost. Please post your additional prompts with a new comment entirely. Thank you!
Prompt Format
This part is easy!
Pairing, Prompt
(Note: An ampersand (&) denotes gen, and a slash (/) denotes ship.)
Janet Fraiser/Carson Beckett, needles
Teyla Emmagan/Elizabeth Weir, fervent devotion
Jack O'Neill/Teal'c/Sam Carter, infrequent
Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran, "I survived because I was tougher than anybody else."
Evan Lorne/John Sheppard, on cloud nine
Malcom Barrett & Harry Maybourne, competition
Sam Carter/Cameron Mitchell, command
Carson Beckett/Jennifer Keller, trapped
Ronon Dex/Kate Heightmeyer, hiking offworld
Hathor/Qetesh, double crossed
Remember! Post as many prompts as you'd like, and you don't have to write in order to prompt.
The format is shamelessly stolen from
oxoniensis' porn battles, and vast swathes of text were borrowed from
medie's Elizabeth Weir Drabble-a-Thon, then altered to fit our purposes. Aren't they both awesome?