Title: Silence is a Virtue
Author: Settiai
Rating: PG
Pairing: Rodney/Ronon
Word Count: ~1500
Written for:
halotolerant, who wanted "protective!Ronon."
Notes: Many thanks to
poisontaster for beta'ing. I'm really sorry that it took me so long to get this story posted. Real life's just been crazy, and my muses decided to run away when I needed them most.
People had always told him that silence was a virtue. He'd just never listened. )
Comments 14
This is lovely. Great dialogue, getting the way these two interact just right, and a really nice 'snapshot' effect that feels very true.
Thank-you so much!
halo x
*sheepish grin*
And I'm also sorry that it took so long to get it posted. It's just been a really long past couple of months, and I've been behind in everything.
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