Taiwan seller are slow in replying, pls join only if you are patient.
http://community.livejournal.com/spreehousefb/208496.html (+4/0/-0)
http://community.livejournal.com/sglivespreefb/28254.html (+3/0/-0)
19.04.2009 - Spree closed. Will mass email on Monday for payment details.
20.04.2009 - Mass email for payment details
20.04.2009 - Order sent to seller
23.04.2009 - Seller checking order, will revert back either today if not tml
24.04.2009 - Payment made to seller
20.05.2009 - Parcel shipped out
24.05.2009 - Parcel arrived
TERMS AND CONDITIONSPlease take some time to read the T & C. Thank you!
babybreath86.livejournal.com/3541.html#cutid1SPREE WEBSITE
http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/booth/maz_yang2002CAPPED AT20 piecesEXCHANGE RATE1 SGD = 21 TWDEMAIL CONTACT
beautisensation@gmail.comPAYMENT DETAILSDO NOT TRANSFER FIRSTMODE OF DISTRIBUTIONNormal / Registered mail
One Mass meet up : Commonwealth MRT 6.45pm weekdaysHANDLING FEESS$0.50SHIPPING DETAILSDirect shipping via EMS
Shipping divided by number of itemsPAYMENT TO SELLERCredit card : 2.8% handing charges apply (for seller)PAYMENT METHOD1st: Item amt + Shipping
2nd: Top up (if any) + Postage charges + Handling feeUPDATESAll updates will be done via emailORDER FORMATLJ Nick/ Name:
Email address:
Collection mode:
Item #1
Item name:
Item URL:
Color and Size:
Price in NT:
Alt if OOS: (item name, color and size)
Item #2
Item name:
Item URL:
Color and Size:
Price in NT:
Alt if OOS: (item name, color and size)
Total no. of items:
Total amt in TWD:
Total amt in SGD: (total amt in TWD / 21) + (2*no of items) = S$
IB Nick:
Amt Transfered:
Transaction ref:
Date and Time: (for atm user)Things to note:* Please check through your order properly before you post.
* Frozen comments = Payment received