The 2007 SG-1 Team Ficathon Is Now Open for Business!

Aug 08, 2007 14:03

Once again, it's time to kick back with the people who started it all. To that end, we bring you the 2007 SG1 Team Ficathon.


1. All stories MUST contain the characters Daniel, Jack, Sam, and Teal'c from Stargate SG1. Other team members are welcome, but Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c are required.
2. This is a TEAM ficathon, so these should be stories that involve the whole team, with the emphasis on the original team.
3. Stories must be gen (NO romance, attraction, flirting, etc., between any members of the team).
4. No character bashing. If you have a deep and abiding hatred of Teal'c, please keep it to yourself.
5. All stories must be at least 1,000 words.
6. All stories must be rated, spell-checked, and beta-read before posting.
7. We will not be putting up the stories until we have them all, so...
8. If you can't finish your story by the due date, please email us as soon as possible.
9. While you do not need to have a livejournal account to participate, all requests must contain a valid email address.
10. Any questions? sg1teamathon[at]gmail[dot]com


Signups open: August 8th, 2007.
Last day to sign up: August 23rd, 2007.
Assignments handed out: August 30th, 2007.
Stories due: November 1st, 2007. November 15, 2007.
(deadline changed on 10/18/07)

Signing Up:

If you'd like to participate, please reply to this post with the below information. (All comments will be screened in order to keep the requests a surprise. Everyone who signs up will receive an email from us on August 30th with info on their assignment.)

What you can write:
What you cannot write (be specific):
One scenario OR three things you want in your story:
One scenario OR three things you don't want in your story:
Are you willing to be a backup writer:

Submitting your stories:

Feel free to submit your story once it's done by posting it to the comm. You don't need to wait for the deadline. We will, however, be moderating all posts, so your story will not become public until all stories have been posted. To keep the assignments a secret, please do not post your story outside of the comm until AFTER all stories have become public.

We reserve the right to mock you publicly if you're the one holding up the unveiling, and we cannot guarantee that the other participants will not come at you with pitchforks. So don't be late!

Please include the following header (and the lj-cut, if you are pasting in the entire story) when you post to the community:

Your name:
Your recipient:
Request details:

< lj-cut text="STORY TITLE" >


< /lj-cut >



If you do not have a livejournal account, please email your story, including the header, the lj-cut code above, and any necessary html formatting (italics, bold, etc.), to sg1teamathon[at]gmail[dot]com. The email should be in PLAIN TEXT (no attachments).

Please pimp this ficathon to everyone you think may be interested!

signups, posting instructions, 2007, admin, rules

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