Title: Home
enigelFor: Mimm (
Pairing & characters: Daniel/Ronon, Mitchell, Sheppard (don't ask, don't tell, but if you asked, there may be some implied Mitchell/Sheppard if you want to see it)
Rating: R / Mature
Word count: ~2900
Beta-ed by the ever-awesome Mouse and NightElf
Home Is... )
Comments 9
I haven't read this yet, eep. Just printed it out so I can read it once I've got all these icky RL things sorted out, which hopefully won't take too many hours. Promise to give you proper feedback as soon as I'm done. (Judging by the pairing/characters line, and the fact that it's by you, I'm already sure I'm going to like this.)
I really should've guessed.
Nah, there were only two clues: that I hadn't asked you to beta, and how sheer bloody late it was. :D
Daniel looked at the way Ronon stood, at the edge of the group, instinctively keeping an eye out for trouble, shielding the group, alert.
I really liked this image because it's so Ronon. He would so do that.
To Daniel's left, Cameron appeared blithely unaware of any social dynamics, but Daniel knew better.
And this is so Cameron. ;)
their own quarrel at O'Malley's
This little bit is incredibly amusing to me as we have a place called O'Malley's here and when we go out for a drink with friends, we usually go there. ;) I keep imagining SG people there and becomes a bit... confusing. And funny. And when I realize it's not going to happen, I feel a bit disappointed. :D
"Ah, but the knowledge ... set up for themselves."
This bit? Eerily Daniel-like. I had to wonder if he'd actually said it at some point.
Sheppard/Mitchell? Is love. <3! I'd actually like to know what happened after they ( ... )
You really made the pairing work and it was such a sweet and hot story.
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