Ficathon Frenzy instructions post

Oct 27, 2013 13:57

It's been a fabulous 2013 SG-1 Friendathon. Perhaps you didn't take a prompt for the ficathon and have thought of something you wanted to write. Perhaps you had ideas for one (or more) of the prompts, but didn't have 1,000 words to say about it. Well the Ficathon Frenzy is here to fill the void. It's the final lightning round opportunity to write a ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

campylobacter October 27 2013, 20:44:50 UTC
If a prompt was claimed but went unfilled, is that fair game for the Frenzy?


suzannemarie October 27 2013, 21:29:56 UTC
Yes. :)


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