My Fellow Friendathoners

Oct 23, 2013 14:45

We are approaching the end of the 2013 sg1friendathon. I hope all of you have been having as much fun as we have ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

gategremlyn October 24 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
It's been a joy to see all the new fic, not that I've had time to read them all. Thanks for hosting! I'm looking forward to the frenzy to follow.


suzannemarie October 24 2013, 01:48:03 UTC
I'm looking to having time to read them all too. :) Thanks for your contribution!


aelfgyfu_mead October 24 2013, 00:40:48 UTC
Thanks to you and Fig for all your work on this! It's wonderful to have a new story each day! (And the truth is that if they all went up at once, I'd be like a kid with too much candy. I'd read them all too fast and regret not going slower later. At least I wouldn't have a stomachache, though. . . .)


suzannemarie October 24 2013, 01:48:48 UTC
It's like spending time with old friends. :) Thanks for playing with us!


annieb1955 October 24 2013, 01:17:48 UTC
Sorry I didn't get mine in after all. I suffered a setback with my elbow :( Next time for sure though. Thanks so much for doing this. Off to catch up on the stories. I'm a bit behind now.


suzannemarie October 24 2013, 01:37:24 UTC
I'm sorry you had the setback. :( Hopefully there will be other opportunities.


campylobacter October 27 2013, 18:02:32 UTC
If a prompt was claimed but went unfilled, is that fair game for the Frenzy?


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